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I am here for Friends

About Me

Do you know who I am bud??
Not that you could ever understand but I'm AmandaPants.
I have seen the light, and it is me!
Would you like the truth, or my side of the story?
well, for one thing, Ive never ridden on a barge.
I got 99 problems but the truth aint one!
Im not so fuckin' bulletproof..
Im so Im mysterious. People wonder about me.
I love everything..EVERYTHING.
I dont shower every day.
Once every twenty four hours Im supposed to take a shower? Thats not the way I do it. Personal hygeine is the last thing on my mind. I dont wanna do it.
Fuck off.
I love to learn, so teach me something new.
I do more stuff then you do.
I love to hitch hike.
You love to pick me up off the onramp.
Im the one who flew around the galaxy saving planets, not you. Where do you get off being me?
I am the liqour.
dependency is a quality that I almost dont possess.
I know a lot about cars. I can look at their headlights and tell you which direction its coming..
I'm pretty much the greatest person in the world
You don't want me I'd burn the roof of your mouth.
I like holding hands with jordan .
I can make change for five dollars if I have to.
I like candy, bubble gum and Taffey!
Did you know the willy wonka factory is in switzerland?
I saw a lawn gnome once. It didnt scare me!
I used to think I was a pirate, now I just think I do too many drugs.
Nobody cares Moby! Nobody cares! No one.
I did coin the phrase "alternative kid"© , so everytime you use it you owe me a (dollar fiddy) two dollars, motha fucker.
You better run.
The only meat I'd eat!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Possesions never meant anything to me. Im not crazy (cause I got none) Well thats not true, Ive got a bed and a guitar And a dog named dog who pisses on my floor
Thats right, Ive got a floor
So what, so what, so what? Ive got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes Where everything imporatnt to me just seems to fall right down my leg
And on the floor
My closest friend linoleum
Linoleum Supports my head, gives me something to believe. Thats me on the beachside combing the sand Metal meter in my hand Sporting a pocket full of change. Thats me on the street with a violin under my chin Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
Thats me on the back of the bus
Thats me in the cell
Thats me inside your head
Thats me inside your head" -NoFx

My Blog


This is something that I think Sar is putting on...and we all love sar, so go to drunkfest bitches and support your local-ish bands. I mean, how much sweeter does it get...10 bands for $4, and free se...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:01:00 GMT

Favourite Quotes.

Favourite Quotes: "..far from the slums, nice homes, very respectable, and nice kids, well clothed, no slum kids here, but beneath the surface, trouble, plenty of it."-bombs over providence You've Sol...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:18:00 GMT

Picture Blog!!!

.... Captain Morgan, meet Liver .. Pure Gold.....     and a real smile from kevin too.. .. .. More S'more Schnapps .. .. 'Cause friends don't let other friends stay sober....
Posted by on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 19:21:00 GMT

Picture Blog!!

Guess Whos Birthday! Thats Right. 'Cause we all know this is the face a pirate makes. We all know you think he's cute, but beware. Surprise Kevin, Its picture time! Cake and Rum, what e...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 19:14:00 GMT

picture blog

.. 'Cause We Don't Need Our Livers .. Fuckin' Drunk As Hell .. These losers, and my awesome dog. .. See katie, I love .. This is what too much Rum does to you. ..Chaos .. Im in love with Sarface.... ...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 13:20:00 GMT

Geroge W. Bush's Resume - Kelley Kramer George W. Bush Resume Past work experience: Ran for congress and lost. Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie. Bought an oil company, but couldn...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 16:07:00 GMT