My name is Rina.
comment me here!
ONLY friends read this fuckin part.
First off, I am a mother. I am short as fuck. I am completely opposite of perfect. I am INSANE. I am jealous. I am devious. I am manipulative. I am wrong most of the time. I am in denial a lot. I over exaggerate. I hate girls most of the time. I hate my eye color. I'm not nice. I cry really easily. . People think I'm great but its a front. I am a walking contradiction. I am an imbecile. I am overly violent. I don't like anyone who reminds me of, well, me.
So the plus side. I don't give a fuck, never have. I love people, people are wonderful. I love bitches, sluts, crazies, you name it! What isn't to love? People are awesome I do tend to shy any from the people who are close minded and judgmental. But I do try to get them to have reason.. never works because of course they're too close minded or judgmental to consider the things I say. I like to be free.. not relationship wise though. I like to just be me and do what I like and what pleases me. I don't try to shock people or anything.. I'm just naturally crazy and do things that pleases me. I hate stereotypes.. so PLEASE don't stereotype me. its not nice! I hate fitting into your categories. I'm pretty random. I don't know what else to say about my self.. hmm.. Oh I talk about sex not all the time but its really natural. I think sex is awesome. Its nothing to be ashamed about. I'm very open about sex talk or whatever. I condone safe sex and healthy sexual appetites. In no way am I trying to be slutty by talking about sex. I'm not trying to come onto you... I'm just very in touch with my sex life. Frankly I am very proud of it.
Okay so Judgement.. judging people.. is really lame. I hardly judge people. I have friends who have done horrible things but I never judge then for their past. Their past is NOT what makes them unique. Their personality is what makes me love them.. nothing fucked up they do will ever make me love them less. My friends are my friends because I get along with them well.. they aren't my friends because they're considered popular or because they're drop dead gorgeous. They're a part of me and they love me for me so I can't help but to love them for that. I'm not all that great, yes, I get that. I fucked up so much.. what ever. But it is NOT me. it does not define me as a person. If we did not have mistakes then what the hell would we learn from?