When one of the most eagealy anticipated string duo at present, breaking away from their classical roots thru odd and baroque melodies, meets a shifted programmer born of an electronic underground without rules or taboos, two universes until then strangers are bound to collide.
From there, anything goes. Is it Trip-Hop, Jazz, Classical or ethnic? Is it accoustic, electric, electronic or pure tribal?
It's unanswerable. Stirring up a still embryonic revival, String Machine denies any belonging and pleads allegance to the meltdown of genres in an unifinitished flow of inspiration.
At any time or any place, this clever mix of electric strings and machines, growing enriched with many guests, creates a show as unique as Sergio, their master of ceremonies, a perfect shaman xhose improbable appaerances emphasizes their performance.
Be that as it may, each of them giftedin their roles, they are united by what they share, respect and love for music.
As baroque in their way of lives than their work, they have built their own world, where friendship, laughter, artistique anguish and huge extravagances are in the mix.