Pimp My ProfileShe's 21 years old and has been missing since MAY 9th.. her name is Heather Marie Riggio..or she goes by "KITTY". She's got bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'0..around 105 lbs.. She has a Bettie Paige tattoo in pink up the side of her leg, a black nautical star on her lower back, and the words "Love hurts Love heals" in black script writing on her lower backside. She also has two facial piercings..a monroe and a labret. If anyone has seen her or might have seen her anywhere in Miami, North Miami, Homestead, The Redlands, F.t. Lauderdale or anyhere please call North Miami Beach Detective Rand or Miami Dade County Crimestoppershttp://www.texasequusearch.org/missing_persons/ HeatherRiggio.pdf__________ http://www.miamiherald.com/460/story/466957.html ______ http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/MI49181/ ______ http://www.amw.com/missing_persons/brief.cfm?id=45480 ______________ http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-163981374.html________http:/ /missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PubCaseSearchServlet?ac t=viewPoster&caseNum=1079078&orgPrefix=NCMA&sear chLang=en_ _____http://cbs4.com/local/local_story_145134610.htmlOn May 6, at her uncle's house, Riggio packed some belongings into a laundry basket and climbed into an older male friends white sport utility vehicle. This man is being uncooperitive and has a criminal history..his name wont be disclosed.Two days later, Riggio was seen at The Culture Room in Fort Lauderdale during a concert for rock group Hed PE.A few days later, in her last sighting, Riggio was seen in Homestead ''hanging out with associates,'' Detective Rand said.After that, Riggio disappeared entirely.Usually, Riggio would ring her grandmother every day. The calls stopped. Her cellphone went straight to voice mail her grandmother filed a missing-persons report with North Miami Beach police.Rand issued press releases seeking tips. Family members appeared on local newscasts. Her story appeared as a brief bulletin on America's Most Wanted.Because she was last seen in Homestead, Miami-Dade's large homicide bureau considered taking over the case. But with no body and no clear evidence of foul play, the department declined.A smaller department, North Miami Beach, has enlisted help from Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents. Miami-Dade homicide detectives may still pitch in.But interest waned, and Rand said Riggio ....was known to hang out with people that have had brushes with the law in the past -- and are hesitant to cooperate.''WE NEED TO continue searching. THIS GIRL MEANS THE WORLD TO SO0O0O0O MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS TO LOOK AT HER PICTURES AND KEEP HER NAME IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD IF YOU HEAR ANYTHING OR KNOW ANYTHING PLEASSSEEE COME FORWARD AND CALL YOU CAN REMAIN ANONYMOUS!!!THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO ACCEPTS THIS REQUEST
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