My government name is Jennifer but most people call me Morgan.I'm just another regular college student whose trying to graduate.A little about family is my world.I would do anything for them.School is very important to me.I don't give up.My sister is my twin...but she is still my little sister.
Hanging out with My Family.Spending time with friends.Tubing.Swimming.Sand Volleyball.Traveling.Golfing with my uncle.Fishing.Dancing & Listening to Country Music.Lemonade.Bar B Ques.Vacations.Parties.Talking.School.Smell of chlorine.Hearing and telling jokes.Pictures.Orange push pop ice creams.Going to the park.Trying new things.Working out.Learning.The color orange.Water.
Hospitals.Cheaters.Being lied to.Being Cold.Soda.Cats.Tailgating drivers.Hypocrytes.Complainers.Having your heart broken.That feeling when you burn your tounge and can't taste anything for a while.Traffic in a car with no A/C.Parking at school.The word tummy,potty,and Puget Sound.Hangovers.Needles.People that hate.Humidity.Sore losers.The Mall.FAILING.