nels profile picture


logically, reality is just an absurd fantasy

About Me

I am a montage of the environment that created me. Many projections have penetrated the eyes of which I perceive this world with. I have also met many people, most of them good but evil lurks in the shadows of all hearts and some I have seen with the shadows consuming them, but never mind. I've lived with high social interactions at times, and at others have shunned it completely. I could tell you many deceptions about what I see myself as, but I'm only as confused as you.

this is my solo project, click and listen

My Interests

music, philosphy, outdoors, being epic

I'd like to meet:

..TR hot tub, moonlight, freshly fallen snow

NOTE: If you are a band I will not add you unless I am friends with someone involved in your project, sorry. Feel free to add my music project.


apopytgma berzerk
bloodhound gang
dj mystik
captain jack
fad gadget
frank zappa
funker vogt
pet shop boys
silent circle
sonata artica
within temptation


.. width="425" height="350" .. and...


good for cuddling


Grimms Fairy Tales
The Berenstain Bears
The Chronicles of Narnia


jimmy pop
evil jared
stefan groth
toumas holopainen
jello bi afra
frank zappa
everybody that inspired me

My Blog

the seduction of confusion

It has been a month now, the new world is encouraging yet frightening in a melancholic sort of fashion. The enertia has begun to fade as some famialarity is accomplished and things settle into some so...
Posted by nels on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:16:00 PST

These colors don’t run, they polarize

I don't trust the pollsI don't trust the GovernmentI don't trust the Patriots (Bill Belicheck is a douche)We are in a delicate situation which years of bad legislation (going back at least 50 years) h...
Posted by nels on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:57:00 PST

Breaking down the barriers of dependancy

This is Nels reporting back to base camp; it has been a week now and things are getting smoother every day. The place is interesting, everything is here. The forest, the beach, a culture of intelligen...
Posted by nels on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 03:44:00 PST

lost in the moment

Sometimes you need to look at things in a different light. You ride the waves and you take some lows in life, but in the end it is a beautiful thing.Right now I want to find a sweet young girl on the ...
Posted by nels on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 09:46:00 PST

humans are solar powered

Humans eat plants, or animals that eat plants...these plants of which photosynthesize to create their own energy using the yes, humans are solar powered
Posted by nels on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:52:00 PST

Go west!

I have known for quite a while now and I suppose this should serve as a formal announcement:In August I will be moving from the Chico area up to the coast of Humboldt County, more specifically I will ...
Posted by nels on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 03:11:00 PST

McCain "i’d spy on Americans too"

This is exactly what we need. Another president who believes he is entitled to do whatever he pleases without accountability, another president who stands for nothing but perpetual war, another presid...
Posted by nels on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 05:18:00 PST

New CD’s

About a week ago I went on a little trip and while out of the area I happened through a record store and purchased some bargians. Now with some time passed I feel I have listened enough to make some l...
Posted by nels on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:52:00 PST

The Primary Nels’s

There appears to me that there are a bunch of Nels's in me. Not like a split personality type of deal, more like these 3 Nels's are the primary colors that make up the entire Nels, with varying degree...
Posted by nels on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:51:00 PST

what ive been listening to:

Apoptygma Berzerk - The entire discography is great (I could talk forever about this band), lately I have been listening to the Black EP alot, a solid line of remixes and B sides from the 'you and me ...
Posted by nels on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:44:00 PST