Reading, Tae Kwon Do. anything artistic and involving creativity, modeling, Chester Bennington, video games,singing, theater. I love the occasional adrenaline rush and any kind of adventure from skydiving to mountain climbing. If you want to know more..get to know me. I'm a very laid back and friendly person.
CHESTER F-ING BENNINGTON.. Lord I love his voice...hotstuff that one is. Linkin Park themselves , Jesus, my ancestors. Hayden Christianson. Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Julian Moore, Matthew McConaughey Ben Mackenzie, Steven Curtis Chapman, Angelina Jolie, Jet Li, Utada Hikaru, Antonio Banderas, Dante Basco, and many other artists and bands I admire and of course you!
Hmm...well for people who know me it's a given that I LOVE Linkin Park. The band that can describe how I'm feeling most of the time. I like anything rock, heavy metal and..yeah foreign pop music..i know lol. And lately I have been into Jazz, 70s funk, motown type sounds, some old 60s jazz and many other weird music moods,I even have a softspot for mushy romantic songs seening how I am indeed a girl =P All this includes Lacuna Coil, Atreyu, Senses Fail, Pusicfer, Cradle of Filth, Origa, Utada Hikaru, Blood Brothers, Fort Minor ( yeah it's rap but I had to make an exception for Mike Shinoda), Lit, Electrasy, The Transplants, Snow White Tan, NightWish, Nirvana, Breaking Benjamin, Mudvayne, Korn, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Nine Inch Nails, Aiden, Trivium, Alkaline Trio, Audio Adrenaline, Crossfade, Toby Mac,Rammstein, Depche Mode, Martina Topley-Bird, Teddy Pendergrass,Al Green,Inner Circle, Julien K, Bryan Adams,Stone Temple Pilots, Chevelle, Hello Goodbye, Sloan,Oasis,Trading Yesterday,Theory of a Deadman,Luscious Jackson,Tool, Alexz Johnson,Cyclefly and much much more! And maybe a few guilty pleasures but the whole world doesn't need to know ;)
I love movies so many to name. LOTR, Star Wars, Matrix, Boondock Saints, V for Vendetta, Lucky Number Slevin, FF7: Advent Children,Solider, True Lies, The Professional, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, 40 Year Old Virgin, The One, Bruce Lee movies, BloodSport, Red Eye, Disney Movies, Top Gun, Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, Take The Lead, Flyboys, Unleashed, Dirty Dancing and many many more!
Family Guy, Law and Order: SVU, Project Runway, Everybody Loves Raymond, Two and Half Men, Wildfire. Adult Swim Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Trigun, Til Death.
.. Now Icons
Tom Clancy novels, manga, Case for the Creator, Blood Rain, James Herriot, Angels and Demons,Da Vinci Code, Memoirs of a Geisha,And alot of other interesting things I just read.
Jesus. My parents, Our Soldiers, My true friends. Anyone who overcame something impossible.LINDSAY CONRAD