PunGza profile picture


About Me

The world is Mine ... The world is Mine ...
LiVe From IraQ - Don't Leave
Wanna know more about the me?
[ X ]yes [ ]no [ ]maybe... FuCk it I'll put the X 4 U
Michael *--- Lame* is wha was given 2 me but everyone calls me .Pungza , ThAi or P-Alphabet ... pick one of those cause Michael is so damn common :|.. Duece-two years I been walkin this Earth and I lovin Dis Ish. My type of rice HHmMm take a guess... *hint 1* I am not Krn or Japanese like everyone think. *hint 2* my nicknames. yeah I'm the sticky rice bandit. NY And Philly is where ake daily tripz to but J.C. ChillTown , JerSey has my Heart ... damn TX here I come...currently Iraq Is where I do My dirt at. So much I can write on paper but that really doesnt explain much about me cept for bits of info or lil peices 2 a never ending puzzle ... 2 know me you have 2 conversate wit me... listen to how I play with my wordz, feel my vibe 2 understand my style.
ThAiLand... Itz LiKe PAraDiSe 2 me...
Bangin Body - FUP Mob

My Interests

Open your eyes, so you can see; why all light shine on me. God blew ßreath into my lung so I exhaled life, was it a ßlessing or a cu®se, so there has to be a purpose why i am here. Am I here to acheive greater ?....... maybe .... but Don't push me so hard, I am a man, I pave my own destiny. As Day ßecomes night and light become Darkness it is hard for me to focus. In a world that is so cold and your best friend is yourself. Who can you trust. Sometimes the cold is to much to handle, I pray that God please take my ßreath away. I am tired but the stress won't let me rest. I am hungry but with all the animosity how can i eat. As I give up hope night becomes day and all the pain just goes away. Is this a Dream, if it is I don't want to wake up. But in reality I know this cannot be why can't i be free, Is this what the lord intended for me. So i wake to the realness of the ßitter world. ßut I fight this coldness and grief and i shall fight ßecause I still have memories of the morning Sun and the good that was in this world. The ßright light that kept me warm and smell of Nectar. - The world change when i lost you Mom . But i stay keeping my head upThe world changed when i lost you,Mom...your baby boy love you so much...

I shed tears for you, everyday...


NeverEnding Stories
Life's Entries


B-Day in the Desert... EErRreR ... Shake head, your not allow to Drink here but I think today I am goin to middle finger ("^") Uncle Sam and Party like a Rock Star. 8oz of Henny or GreyGoose is $35 out here... Shit if only my sister *hint* *hint* send my that Grey Goose I ask 4, disguise in the Asian Aloe drink container ...I can make a killin out here... lol But I love her. 10Monthz has pass here I sometimes I sit and think about everyone I met in Life Wow the memories, Damn shit I miss everyone... I mean everyone... even ppl I met for a brief momment in my LiFe. I even miss the Haterz lol. Well 5 more month till I kiss Lady Liberty again...


... Every manz fantasy... a sex sandwish. Women look at this and get curious, nothin wrong with that. Men Look at this and their eyes tear up cause itz just beautiful LOL, understandable. Wha can I say I'm Pro-Lesbo.


... 6 monthz pass, 6 monthz to go... Shit I might make it out of hell after all.. but knockin on wood, Cause no one is promise 2morrow. I hate doin the same routine everyday. Hate Bitch ni99a's tellin me what to do, Hate being sober. But I do Love that Iraqi Kuush, Love Making that Hazard Pay money, Love the way I walk around somedayz Not giv'N a fuc.

Can't wait to come home, can't wait to indulge in what I pleasure. I think I am goin to Fuck 4 a month straight. Can't wait to see friendz and family.

Ooh yeah My sister is knocked up(Pregnant)....O_o Eeerrr How did that happen, Well I know how it happen but it was such a surprise.... I wish well 4 her. LOL I'm GOIN TO BE AN UNCLE ..WTF LOL AaaaaaaaaHAHHhhhHA


Ms Mary Jane How I miss your Kiss? Your sweet Aroma. Man 6 Months pass still in the desert and I'M itch'N... Haven't Been Sober... Damn been waitin to go home like 4eva... I wonder if anything changed? If the Ppl I left knowin was still the same ppl when i get back, I wonder if the city changed. Ooh yes sir, itz the return of the Jersey ambassador. If all of yah could see the grin on my face shiiittt you would think I was goin and never returnin...


wHOO wHOO MY LUCK IS FINALLY CHANGIN ... IN TeXas and itz Really isnt that bad... I might even enjoy thiS Wild Wild WeSt. Right now I am a enterpernuer HiGh is always there...


HAHhAHAh Itz mah ni99a phuc B-day... Philly I went to deliver him to his shorty, Hope today you had fun mah ni99a... OoH yeah the crazy ish that happened in the Diner was too funny, but that fuckin meal was too good... damn we ate a whole fuck'N lot. Check it, Check it,... 4 in the mornin doin 120 on the highway, switchin lanes and sleepy as fucked, Gas light came on, almost ran out of gas but we got home from philly in an hour... hahhaha EERRRR ... Wave *Hi* to Diana ... she's a new friend I met...


... Today my baby shot me, killed my dreamz, shattered my hopes type ish, made me turn evil "just a lil bit". Can't be nice and Sweet anymore.. cause that ish just ain't work'N... SHe told me "to go away and leave her alone" ...Damn why you got to hurt my feelins like that Shorty? Made me feel like I was nothin in your eyes when you were everything in mines. Itz all good cause I'm gh0St, I'm Gone like you wanted. In my mind a princess you were... then along 3 promises were made 1)never to lie to you, 2)never to cheat on you, and 1 day the world... guess it wasn't enough... Head tilted down, both hands covering my eyes and just thinkinG now


Damn P.H.I.L.L.Y was WHoo Whoo time to give shououts so ppl pay attention...
First , I gotta give a shoutout to the Birthday gurl... Ms JenniFeeerrr... that girl is so damn nice and her style is off the heezy. Swt Second , Dee aka *I'm too hot to handle,too cold to hold put on a seatbelt ni99a cause with me you just might loose control* is certified by Me as Toms Rivers finest and easily Tri-State top 15, she is mad nice to me by making me abnormal shaped spring rolls but it was delicious *Mouth Watery* thanx Dee
Third of the trio , Ms Aya damn that girl is just a Swt To mah ni99a and Brotha ... Phuc.. damn my dude philly was fun, It was worth the trip... I think so, I met the trio and they were mad chill, we gotz to do this again. Damn too many trip we still have to take, more city to style on, more Friendz to make... your teh only ni99a that always knows wha I thinkin...
Overall today was Peaches and Kreme *On the scale from 1 to ten it was an 8* *On the SATS it was a 1300*



WhAt Do I do? When all i can see is her... If ppl didn't know thats AmbEr in the pic, i more then hella heart her. Guyz don't holla at her... shes all mine. In her words
"MichaeL's Property"

OoH Yeah gotta give a shoutout to mah new homrgurl.. JenniFFEErr .. SHe is mean and nice to me... Best way to discribe her... in her own words
"I'm good in a bad way"
"Bad in a good way"

Black Hitlers is sick on the Mic, Javier is still the leader of DeadCell, Phuc is about to BLaze a 50, Shady is Crazy and Manda is f'N ReD diKkulous, AMber HhMm wha else can I say... still Magically delicious

How many ppl can s A y that the woman of their drea m z walk into their life. Hard to even think the one you truely desired would even know you are crushing on them. So ppl listen If you see an opportunity of a Lifetime don't let it pass you by cause it will never come again. Make it a "must" to be part of that person life anyway possible. Don't ever be scare to show emotion, looks itself doesn't get him/her cause thats only the shell. ITz the fact that they see you try so hard and how commited you are to never giving up. I had a interesting conversation with God no * B lasphemy* intended

God said to me "Today, I surrender my Angel upon thee, all you have to do now is keep her"

But I told God "Sh e isn't mine to keep and she can willingly walk away but she gave me a chance and chose to be mine"

01/27/05 (MichAel *pinky swear* Shorty- R oX)

OOH LaLa let the fun begin

Today... emotional rollercoaster galore, Using $andy's word "Aye". I lay on my couch, eyes closed, listen'N to music and whisper'N to myself "So close". My mind and my heart is in conflict again "Damn ni99a's get along" *Grin*,
my Clark Kent mind cautiously tells me to "give up :/" and against my will bring back pass experiences of "downfalls" and "let downs" but my Superman Heart make me think
-_-ooo(take that risk)
-_-ooo(Once a Blue moon)
-_-ooo($horty is worth it)
I'm a slave to the eternal question
"What If?"...


Today must be mah lucky day... I got many gift from SHorty-RoX today (get it...Dis Shorty RocKs..ooh), homegurl show'n me mad love today ... Words on paper with thoughts means more then gold in mines. Cause gold may make you look good, but gift from the heart put a shine in your soul...

OOh i am admiring somebody... wanna know who ppl? Can't tell yas... its my wish upon a star, if I tell yas... it will never come true. Well Today was an alright day... I went to play Pool and eat at the number one vietnamese restuarant in the New York "ThAi Son" ooh the thought about that place make my mouth watery. After that went to the arcade "ChinaTown Fair" too do my dirty... na mean X-Mas is almost here... wonder is anybody goin to get me anything this year? :/

Whast else to say, never updated this ish like for-eva... lets see I been HHMmMm good, Working at BaHa now... itz comfortable, itz right across the street. .. I always wonder if I died murdered in cold blood tomorrow, would the world cry, show love or it wouldn't even matter... but eh... can't think about death right now... My friend brought up a interesting topic, when you die... he believe in reincarnation and science, Science meaning when you die... there is no heaven and hell, you just don't exist. Your brain dies and it seem like you weren't even born... how sad.

*Grin*... woke up with a sense on eh... still miss that one girl but eh i miss her everyday... beside that I had my second day at Komegashi too... Real fun... Heheheh please ask me why... HhMmM let me tell you, itz a fun place to be, happy atmosphere... co-worker always nice to you and smile. I think they nice to me cause i look Krn or Jap eh... I was assign to Bonita, she a freindly person that showed me how to do everything there. The sushi there is amazing you know... like get your mouth watery type ish... i was invited to go to a bar with my co-workers but i decided to turn them down cause I wanted to come home to IM my friend. Came home, put my earphones on, listening to Nas Im my friend only to find out she is sad, I wish i could make her happy. I think i am goin to break night...

WHa can i say... as I try to keep tears from falling, but still I forever have a grin on my face. Got a new job... Komegashi too. First day was fun. Started out nervous like i always am but everyone was so nice and wanted to help. Today I got my chain back, in that moment reality sets in. No more angel with brown eyes that smile like the sunrise. Itz all good, guess there was no other way. I wanted to prove to myself anythings possible. The sorrow of defeat. GGRRRR tomorrow i got work too and i got to memorize mad ish... Sushi this, sushi that. How can i think of all these sushi names in a time like this?


Speed'N Through Life Like no 2morrow
written on - 07/12/04 - Pungza ...
LiFe, Ppl just don't understand why I do the things I do. They think I threw my whole life away because all I want to do is fly and be free, flirt with drugs, and live many lives. The reason is I want to enjoy the fruits of life until i can't anymore. Till I grow up and start a family and a career. Society set their standard by the "American Dream" that is drug-free, finish school, establish a career, raise family. But sometimes when they focus and worry too much about the "American Dream," they tend to miss out on the enjoyments of life. Many people are bounded by their society, culture, family. The world they live in, is all they know and will ever know. Those people will never get a chance to do things that comes once a blue moon, go to places where every blink is a kodak momment, and see true beauty that an artist can never draw. Me, I live for those.There are momments in history that comes once in a lifetime and will never return. Those who are lucky to experience it, keep it humbly in their memories and respect it. I would say best to discribe my life is compare it to chapters in a NeverEnding Story. Seeking knowledge by traveling, taking risks to flirt with fate, play'N an endless game of seduction, Lessons and experiences learned from strangers all met by luck are serveral chapters in my story. I understand alot of ppl want me to stop all these things but they have to understand itz mah life. Rest assured my motto is "Control the drugs, don't let the drugs control you", "Know your limit, don't risk wha you can't afford to loose." Now you understand that I have total control in everything i do.... so please don't try to hold my hand and guild me like a child. "When a boy faces his destiny, his destiny is erased amd he become the person he always should had been, a Man." Think about it, you only have one life to live so why not live many lives.
. I tend to do everything i can and get the most out of this world. Through my short existence, I have met unique people whose life stories can be made into movies. I am inspired to learn not from books and professors but by listening to wise ppl just sharing experiences, thoughts, and morals that are more valueable then the life of luxury. Knowledge is king. In this world, your not promised tomorrow, and if my heart stops beating, I honestly could say "I Saw, Did, and Lived more then some ppl will ever do ...Remember, My NeverEnding Story will never be done ... even after death, I will be a legend in the minds of all the ppl that I have met, talked, and inpired. All I ask is that ppl know one thing about me... There is not one thing in my life I ever did that I regretted, from the day I was conscious about my existense till the day I lay rest in my mother's arm. In the end "I always Did it my way"


The Soldier's Creed:
I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough
, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies
of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
That is who I am... Now and 4ever
6 monthz and counting
PLease pray for my soul to keep

Let me introduce you to my shorty, she goes where ever I go... plus she's itch'N to get fingered
JuSt another day in the Frap

My Blog

Iraq, No moe gamez

Wha can I say itz Oct the 15 and I am on a plan from kuwait to Iraq... no more games to play, Itz real life... *sigh* wha do I do? Is all the training I received and learned goin to pay off? ...
Posted by PunGza on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 01:03:00 PST

Desest Bound...

I wish... thingz were different... I realized I'm desert bound... in Sept I will deploy to a country where I am unwanted and enemies can be anybody from women to children.  Today for some reason...
Posted by PunGza on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:37:00 PST