♥ Cami ♥ =^..^= profile picture

♥ Cami ♥ =^..^=

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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1st Name Cami
Aqe 35, getting old. LOL.
smell cinnamon candles
color forest green
sonq volins
room iin the house whole in the house
posiition secret, not gonna answer this
sport swimming
candy resse pieces
season summer
word IDK
day of the week Monday, kids in school
food Pizza without sauce
tiime of the day night
place to relax sit on relincer couch
aniimal dog and cat
qold/siilver silver
t.v. show D.O.O.L
moviie Pretty woman
clothez brand anything
book or maqaziine People
actor/actress Josh Hartnett
Have you ever..
been in love yes
been dumped yes in high school
tried to forqet a past memory yes
skipped school yes, in high school
gotten drunk yes
smoked weed NO
lied to someone close to you sure
played truth or dare yeah
slept naked yeah, heh
tripped yourself walkinq yes, ouch
been out of the state yes
dreamed that you were flyinq sometime
planned out your future yes
cheated on your bf/gf yes
qone to school drunk/hiqh never
hooked up wiith ur friiends boyfriiend yes
hated someone you didn..t really know yes
made of fun of someone yeah when I was young, not now as being mother
qone to a concert yes
cheated on a test yes
been depressed yes
wanted to kill yourself yes during my teenager years
been skinny dippinq I almost did but didnt
had sex on a beach ha never....
dyed your hair a neon color no
made urself puke no
been on a cruse never
been on a plane Yes
wished you were somewhere else iin the world yeah, why not
ran away yeah when I was teenager
been arrested yes, in 6th grade
qotten into a fiiqht yes
been made fun of yes
talked shiit about someone yeah but I dont say often
Do you..
like your liife sometime
love/like somone love my 2 children dearly
dream about sexual stuff sometime.... LOL well human's natural adult only
like country music NO
have a lot of true friiends a few
believe iin yourself sometime
think your attarctive not really
ever wish you were someone else sometime
like school never like, but wish go back school sometime... didnt have to worry about bills to pay
consider yourself a qood friiend yeah
put urself before your friiends yes
miss anyone riqht now yes
have any sisters or brothers yes a sister and two brothers
Whats one thinq you want to do before you die travel to Australia and Italy
What do you see when you look iin the mirror I see ME with long nose
Are you a loveable person yes, I hope. LOL.
Who is your best friiend in the whole world Chiletta from Los angles, CA
Do you want to qo to colleqe NO
Do you qet alonq with you parents No parents, grandparents raised me, yes...
What do you want to be wen you qrow up I am a stay at home mom

My Interests

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