JK profile picture


pet the cat

About Me

Jordan "JK" Kells....i'm a junior at grant county high. i raise hell and have fun doin it. i have a pretty sweet ass gf(you'd prolly do 'er). i got great friends and a great family. i'm also the most preppy ghettofied hilljack of a jock you'll ever meet. i like to bull shit so if you gotta question jus let me know IM DirtyJ2k8.....GO HEELS! Profile modified by: The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor

My Interests

pretty much any sport, huntin, fishin, playin poker, fuckin shit up, breakin into random places, wal mart dodgeball, campin, 4wheeler ridin, crazy fan nights, bengals games, watchin Notre dame and UNC kick serious ass, and basically havin a good time

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jordan, Dean Smith, Keith Richards, John McEnroe, Burt Reynolds, Dave Chapelle, Chad Johnson, Ron Burgundy, Hank Williams, Luke and Bo Duke.


acdc, garth, george strait, motley crue, poison, bon jovi, ozzy, three six mafia, johnny cash, john denver, lynyrd skynyrd, radiohead, TIM MCGRAW, journey, tom petty, bob dylan, bob seger, GNR, lil wyte, kenny chesney, willie nelson, snoop dogg, montgomery gentry, michael jackson, boston, kansas, etc.....


Wedding Crashers, Happy Gilmore, Forrest Gump, Anchorman, Talledaga Nights, Scarface, the godfather....


chappele show, the office, my name is earl and ya gotta love the housewives baby


MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Jordan "dirty J" Kells
Birthdate: june 8, 1990
Birthplace: hospital
Current Location: my area
Eye Color: blue/grey
Hair Color: black/brown
Height: 5'7, pushin 5'8
Weight: 140
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Ethnicity: caucasian
Body Type: avg./slim
Favorite Food: undecided
Favorite Drink: sweet tea from the waffle
Baseball Team: baseballs gay
(when) Bedtime: when i'm tired
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite Letter: J
Favorite Number: 2
Candy: jolly ranchers
Favorite Animal: sloth
Favorite Messenger: mail man
Screename: dirtyj2k8
Favorite Store: walmart
Most Missed Memory: undecided
Best Physical Feature: schlong
Overused Phrase: you dont know me
First Thought Waking Up: food
Goal for this year: have fun
Weakness: ha, yeah right
Fears: failure
Heritage: irish/german
Longest Relationship: prolly the one i'm in lol
School's Name: THEE gc
Favorite TV Show: espn news
Have You Ever....
Drank: yep
Smoked: yep
Dyed Your Hair: nope
Shoplifted: nope
Tried To Do The Splits: not on purpose
Tried To Do A Backbend: she did
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: executed it
Tried To Do A Handstand: that too
Tried To Act Perfect: i am
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: nah
Skinny Dipped: i like bein naked
Had Sex: ask her
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: aske them
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: i hug everyone but not in a gay way
Been Dumped: sort of
Done Drugs: nope
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yep
Ate Sushi: nope
Loved Someone: what is love?
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: blue or green
Fav Hair Color: blonde or brunette
Short or Long Hair: medium-long
Height: shorter than me
Weight: not fat
Looks Or Personality: both
Love or Money: lol both
Hot Or Cute: cute
Drugs and/or Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: avg.
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: wtf?
Random...: me or her?
How Do You Want To Die?: honorably
What country do you want to Visit: england
Been to the Mall Lately: nah
Do you like Thunderstorms: undecided
Shower Daily: normally
Do you Sing: yeah
Want to go to College: hell yes
Clothes: work jeans
Shoes: justins
Make-Up: none that i know of
Hair Do: same as always
Phone: yeah?
Phone Number: 391-4972
Location: my area
Weather: rainy
Website(s): myspace
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my ol man....he may be the reason i am so short but he's still the coolest guy i know