Need your help get on the bone marrow donor list!! profile picture

Need your help get on the bone marrow donor list!!

About Me

A Little about Jenn for those of you who don’t know her. She is a 35 year old mother of two. Ashley is 14 and a freshman in high school. She likes to participate in cheerleading and dance. Ethan is a 6 year old in kindergarten, and is all boy. Jenn was first diagnosed with leukemia in November of 2006. She went into remission after a long hard fight for 1/2 a year. Shortly after we went to bike week this year in Daytona she started to show signs it may have returned. She went in for blood work and test results showed a return of the cancer. It is back in full force and she is currently going through the first session of chemo to put it back into remission. This time, there were more severe complications, due to her very low platelet count as a result of the chemotherapy, she has experienced some internal bleeding issues. We thought we had almost lost her this week. The search is currently under way for a bone marrow match with her sibling. The chances however are 1 in 4. If unsuccessful she will need to look for a match on the "National Bone Marrow Registry" ( We are encouraging people to get on the bone marrow register. She will need a bone marrow transplant to live. Without a successful transplant, she will be considered a TERMINAL patient. She is a loving and giving person. Now it is time for us to give back to her.
On friday 4/25/08 we got our bone marrow biopsy done.Late last saturday night 4/26/08 we got a text message saying "The docter said i have no more leukemia cells." So now we must wait for her white blood cell count to come up. And she may come home for a bit till we find a donor. Thank you for your prayers, they are still working.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Find a Cure for Leukemia
Please help a mom who is fighting Leukemia.

My Blog

June 23, 2008

Ok so I went to er yet again Wednesday night for my leg again. This time they decided to finally find out what was going on. My oncologist really pissed me off the other day by having a shrink come se...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:21:00 GMT

Just quick update

Sorry it's been awhile since I have posted any updates. There wasn't alot going on other than going back and forth to the hospital for a few different reason. 1st it was for my knee that was swollen a...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:38:00 GMT

Just an update!

Okay so I was told this morning that I needed to update everyone. I'm so not the type a blog but for you guys I'll do it. As most of you know that when I came back to the hospital I had to go through ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:34:00 GMT