NOTHING SILICON profile picture


About Me

..My name is Scott Sheridan and featured on this page is a soundtrack to an imaginary film that will never be realized. I am currently scouting musicians to form my next musical project, NOTHING SILICON, music that will probably not fall into the following categories.... Art punk/shoegaze/dark psychedelia/electronica......

My Interests


Member Since: 25/03/2008
Band Members: SCOTT SHERIDAN : Bass guitar, synths, samples and feild recordings, string arrangements, vocals, percussion and general noise
Influences: Art punk/shoegaze/dark psychedelia/electronica
Sounds Like: Maybe a fat lady playing the bongos.....
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Seeking a band..... 1/8/09

I am currently seeking a drummer, keyboardist/synth/electronics, etc/guitarist to form a band moving in an art rock/experimental/electronc direction......
Posted by on Fri, 31 Jul 2009 12:50:00 GMT


"In every line of development there are two points where movement can go no further without external help. At two specific points an additional impulse from an external source is necessary. At these p...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 16:13:00 GMT


Defined through a perceived pattern,Of linear time, a charted point,You or me engaged at the bridge of then,Now an ember of memory lingering in the present,At the rubicon of an experience, this coil o...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 08:19:00 GMT


A sentimental horizon slowly burns as a million eyes blink,A sea of sighs and regrets resound in a hangover of yesterday,Half alive in a nine to five, who laughs and sets the control?A sense of destin...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 14:19:00 GMT