Valpurga started in 1999 with four guys from the remote island of Sardinia who were all fuckin crazy ass bastards. From then on, many band members have come and go, they proved that they were not dedicated and passionate about the music that we create; it belongs to us and is part of our souls, it is our only faith....From then on, Valpurga existed only as two persons, Ader Black (also known as Hellstorm) voice and guitar and Warlord - bass guitar, we released a demo called War at Last and after this, two members joined the band; Tenebra - drums and Ade - second guitar.After months of session, we decided to come to Edinburgh to continue our musical journey. We played a couple of gigs during 2005 and after that, Tenebra and Ade decided to leave the band, Warlord moved back to Sardinia. I, Ader Black, have now found an excellent guitarist - Frederick, from Italy. Together we have recorded a new demo in which I play the drums, guitar, bass and all the vocals; Frederick on the other guitar. We hope now to find musicians who are interested in our music and are passionate about our band, we hope to play new gigs and to be signed by a record label.