Armchair Books ekes out its intense and blustery existence on Edinburgh's hallowed West Port...ancient home of booksellers. In view of the castle, above the Grassmarket, it bakes under the torrid Scottish sun.
The dangers are manifold; Our overburdened shelves groan like masts in a squall, our threadbare and quasi-oriental rugs may distractingly catch the eye or foot. Books in the window may spontaneously burst into flames, and the Manager must be kept locked in at all times...
Sporadically under feeble but sinister attack by the government, we struggle under goad of Fear, towards Beauty.
If ye be men and women of valour, and gallus or foolhardy enough to wish a visitation on our labours, ye may find us at;
72 - 74 West Port
[email protected]
(131)229 5927
10am - 7pm (or later, if we can be arsed to)
Seven Horrid Days a Week
Unless closed for reasons of Health and Safety, in which event, you may be invited in as our guest.
Led by one brain, with a motley crew of satellite intellects, Armchair Books is an Idea worth fighting for. Will you join us? Death to the enemy....