Call me shallow. I call it perceptive. Throw anything at me and I will take it apart. It's not that I'm destructive, I just like to see what makes things work. It really doesn't matter if it's your life or your headlights. There seem to be three different people in this world. The ones who claim "me and my friends are better than you," (wrong) - the ones who claim "you are no better than anyone else, so shut up," (also wrong) - and then people like me. I'll leave you to figure out what that means. I am just trying to do as little harm as possible. My friends are an interesting group of people who would never get along with each other. It is for that reason that I'm so interested in why people think the things they do. Respect is a huge issue for me. But unlike most people, I'll give it to you until you give me a reason not to. I'm also a hopeless romantic.________________Nobody likes what I like, and that's how I like it.
P.S. I also used to be one of those tough guys that knew what happened in slaughter houses, and didn't care because people were "supposed to eat meat." I dated a vegetarian, and professed daily that "I would never stop eating meat." Then I found out that I was wrong. I didn't know anything about what happens to animals. Then I learned.