..Any one who has the same interests as me. And can put up with me ;]
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius & its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely stupid.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
Life is like photography, we develop from negatives
Alittle about youre life!!
Whats youe full name? Megan
Whens youre b_day? June 19
Where do you live? In the middle of nowhere
Where were you born? Red Wing
Are u close to youre parets? yes
Do u beleive in GOD? yes
Whats youre fav?
Place to shop? target
Season in the year? cant pick.. but i like fall
Number? 13
Thing to do with friends? bowling. or eat at applebees.
Thing to do with the opposite sex? laugh
Holiday? christmas
Website? youtube.com
Vacation spot? colorado. so far. but that will change when i go to hawaii
Thing about youre self? im rambunctious. spelling lol i know
About life? experiencing new things.
Which one?
Peanuts or popcorn? popcorn
Football or Basketball? football
Straight or curly? curly.. have you seen my hair?
Naughty or nice? naughty lol
Rough or Gentle? depends on the situation
Heaven or Hell? heaven
Mom or Dad? dad has the best situation advice but mom is always there no matter what
Friend or Gf/Bf? friend. they will always be there
Night or day? night
Hot Chocolate or Coffe? coffee
Strawberrys or Cherries? strawBERRIES god spell it right
Smart or pretty? smart but pretty is a plus
Cali or Florida? florida
Airplaine or Boat? airplane
Car or Truck? truck
Cat or Dog? cat
Rain or Snow? rain
Hot or cold? coooold
Love or Money? love
Perfect or Unperfect? unperfect
Opposite sex~~~~
Do u have a gf/bf, or maybe a crush? eh.... kinda
Are u talking to some 1? yes
Whats their name? its a girl
How much do u like them from 1 to 10? " " "
Do they do anything u dont like? -
How seriuos is it? -
Do u beleive in love? yes
Have u ever been in love? no
Have u ever cheated on any 1? no
Had ur heart broken? at that time yes. but now im like wtf
Broken some 1 elses heart? no
What do u look for in a mate? an awsome personality and sense of humor
Fav thing about this person? -
Do u think its worth youre time? -
Random Questions~~!!
Whos youre bestie? Kayla
Why are they youre bestie? because shes awsome lol
Whos youre ex? do we have to go there..
Do u miss any one in youre life? yes
Whats the sweetest any has done 4 u? i dont know
Whats the meanest thing some 1 has done 2 u? depants me
What are youre career goals? to suceed.
DO u want to get married? yes
How many kids do u want? 4
DO u have names for ur children? jaden and kayden
Wheres one place u would love to go? europe
Do u have any pets? yes one cat one dog
Whast youre fav hang out? kaylas house
Who do u hate? no one
Do u love and beleive in youre self? yes
Do u live w youre parents? yes im 17
DO u think u will go to heaven? yes
Do u go to church? yes
Do u do drugs? no
Do u ahve sex? no
Have u been with more than 10 ppl sexually? no.
Are u a player? no
Are u unique? yes
Do u prey? prey or pray??
Are u happy? yes
Most recent events!!
Whens the last time u cried? last night.. i watched a movie lol
Whos the last peron u said "I love u" too? my mom
Whos the last person u hugged? my aunt
Last person u kissed? my little godson henry
Whens the last time u lied? probably like an hour ago
Whos the last peron u talked to on the fone? its phone. annnd kayla
Whos the last person's house u went to? kaylas
What are u wearing now? shorts and a tshirt
When are going to bed? probably in like 30 min
Last person u went on a date with? my ex
Last time u saw ur parents? 5 sec ago
Last time u got drunk? 2 weeks ago.
Last time u went to the club? my club is the living room lol
Whens the last time u laughed? about 2 min ago.. i laugh a lot
Whast the last car u rode in? mine. jeep cherokee
Who are thinking about now? these questions
Whens the last time u fought with a friend? long time
Whats the last thing u set as a goal? to think positive of myself
Whens the last time u filled out a survey like this? long ass time
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