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Myspace Layouts Myspace Generators Myspace Codes Myspace Backgrounds Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsThe name's Hayley/Bee/Bug/ShitHead, whatever takes your fancy.I live in a town that offers no future. I don't want to live here for much longer.
I'm young, I think way too much, and I make a big deal of things.
I can be shy, but I’m more outgoing with people I’m comfortable with.
I get jealous easily but it’s only because I care.
I'm not the most intelligent person alive, but unlike a lot of people, I learn from my mistakes.
I have no patience for arrogance and can get annoyed easily.
My mind is a mess. I have days where I'm the most care-free person in the world and believe I can do anything I want to. I have days where I just need a cuddle and a nice day out.
To me, the little things really do make a huge difference.
I have a tendency of walking into things, doors, tables, people, windows, you name it. I'm incredibly clumsy. I have a habit of knocking things over; imagine a small child with cherryade and a white carpet. You get the idea.
I have a weird sense of humour and often find the strangest of things funny, and usually end up being the only person laughing.
I haven't got a set plan in life, simply because for now, I don't know what I want or how I want my life to be later... for now, today is all I need.
Life is too short, and opportunities are rare. Love, laugh and create magic in this world. Life doesn’t owe us anything; as a matter of fact, I think that we owe them.
I’ve changed dramatically in these past years but I’m on track of becoming who I want to be. I’ll treasure these years for as long as I live, along with the people I’ve met and the memories I’ve made.