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I'd like to meet:

My name is Brad Cox. I am a Dallas fireman/paramedic. I work at 24's (South Dallas' Strongest). I also train and fight in MMA. My discipline's are muay thai, and brazillian jui jitsu (gorrilla jitsu/thug jitsu). I am christian. I know and Believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior. Im not "religious" so to speak, therefore i dont get bound up in the rules and regulations of religon. I believe that it takes a personal relationship with Jesus and knowing that He died on the cross for our sins to enter the gates of Heaven........................Everything happens for a reason and God is constantly testing us. He will continue to test us until we prove that we can pass the test. Whether it be temptation, obedience, devotion....It is false for people to claim they are a Christian and have a non-existant relationship with God. I try not to judge people because i dont want to be judged. I refuse to put on a front like i am perfect. I AM A SINNER, as we all are. God understands that. Jesus was the ONLY perfect man, but we are to strive to be like Him. If i expected to be Jesus every single day, i would fail miserably every single day, but i believe in forgivness, and i believe in repentance. If God can love me, He can love anyone and He does. God is love. It doesnt matter who you are, where your from, what you have done, God loves you and He wants to be in your life. From the age of 17 to about the age of 29, i was an absolute screw up. I knew God but i didnt obey Him. Believe me i still screw up. I do things i know i shouldnt do. I say things that later im like "what were you thinking!?!?", but i serve a God who forgives me when i sin and keeps no record of wrong. I also serve a God who will punish His children, and i can strongly testify to that (TORN CALF!!, pulled muscles, stolen wheels, etc....) but i love the fact that He cares enough about me to get my attention when i do wrong..............................I thank God every single day that i have a sensitive consience. I remeber a time in my life when i didnt feel bad when i did wrong simply because i was de-sensitized to sin. Praise God that those chains have been lifted. I still sin and fall short of the glory of God, but there is a huge difference between sinning and living in sin........................BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT (and not in that order) its a blanced triangle for an abundant life. So many people invest their all into 1 or 2 of these and i have fallen victim as well. If your spirit is dry and thirsty, dont expect to achieve great things in the other 2. I am a living testimony to that!..............................You can ask anyone for any piece of advice on any topic, but unless God is the center-piece of your life, you will NEVER get a true answer........................................I thank God for everything he has done for me. if it werent for Him we wouldnt even be able to breathe air in and out of our lungs. He is responsible for EVERYTHING. We should give Him all the glory and all the praise, not for what he has done, but for who he is. If He does nothing else for us, He has already done enough...................................................... .........................................******* TO GOD BE THE GLORY. *********................................................... ................I dedicate EVERYTHING to my Lord and Savior. Every Muay Thai training, every jiu jitsu training, every fight, every mile i run, every weight i lift, every meal i eat, every drop of sweat, ALL OF IT, because it it werent for Him i wouldnt be able to do any of it. God is a good God......................................................... .....In this "Id Like to Meet" section, alot of people put "God". Well, i have already met Him and He is with me through every single walk of my life. He never lets me down. Life is so much better and easier with Him. Try and you will see......................................................Alo t of people wonder why God isnt doing anything for them. Well God is wondering why you arent doing anything for Him....................................................Like i said before, if God can accept and love me during all my failures, during all of my mishaps, and after i have done wrong; He will accept and love you too. Holla.......

My Blog

My ’House of Pain’ Interview ntry=entry080929-184357
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 11:11:00 GMT

is God real???

only a few people know that the last month has been a rough one for me. i had a routine physical done last month for the fire department and recieved some discouraging news. upon review of my chest x-...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:59:00 GMT