DIM. HAIDOUTIS profile picture


About Me

geia sas. merika logia gia mena. eimai sto xoro tis mousikis apo to 1983 . apo to 92 grafo stixo. thelo na po ena megalo eyxaristo sto syntheti GIORGO GEORGOPOULO poy me voithise sta prota moy vimata sto stixo. mazi kaname polla komatia me poio gnosto to XARAMATA tis antzelas dimiriou. episis sto vasili terlega poy mou anoikse tin porta tis diskografias me ti FOTOGRAFIA. meta apo 15 xronia prospatheias kai 1200 komatia sta syrtaria toy spitiou moy kai tou mialoy moy apelpistika. kai thelo na po akoma ena eyxaristo sto BABI MARAGO kai ston ILIA TON TSAPATSARI pou me traviksan makria apo tis skepseis moy na ta egataleipso. mages exoyme doyleia na kanoyme!! eks allou eseis moy to pate!!!! EYXARISTO!!! PUT YOUR BIO SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

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Member Since: 25/03/2008
Record Label: Unsigned

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