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GOD! by Jerry Bolton

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Suffering is a part of human and animal life span. If child is born blind, deformed or mentally afflicted; the question comes: Why? Why must it be given such an affliction, he is, after all, innocent of sin.
Why are people, the good along with the bad, struck down in the prime of their lives racked with pain with a hopeless disease that can only end in a horrible death? Why?
Millions in the world are suffering semi-starvation and disease in countries with vast populations and little fertility. Others perish or are made homeless in floods and earthquakes. Why should they suffer?
Pain, torture and death have been imposed on helpless millions by the tyranny of man and the destructiveness of modern war. Countless lives are lost in acts of terrorism, by brutality and hijacking. Accidents there have always been, but the scale of today's disasters and natural calamities is often overwhelming: a passenger aircraft crashes; an oil rig blows up; fire traps hundreds in an underground train. People ask: Why does God allow it?
The questions readily rise to mind and on the surface seem reasonable: yet a candid look at them shows that they carry certain implications. They imply that suffering in human life is inconsistent either with the power or with the love of God: that as a God of love either He has not the power to prevent the suffering, or if He has the power then He has not the will, and is not a God of love. It is assumed that the prevention of suffering as it now affects the apparently innocent is something we should expect from a God of love who is also Almighty. Are these assumptions justified?
In my new novel, GOD! I will attempt to answer some, if not all of these questions, plus many questions that you, yourself have asked from time to time. All I want to do here is find the answer to the most important question I have ever asked . . . If God is a just God, as is claimed, why has He allowed the evils of unbelievable pain and suffering to be wrought upon the common man and woman? Why has He not righted a terrible wrong (in my opinion) about how he set up the whole sin vs goodness business . . . I'm asking then, Why does God allow all these terrible things to befall the whole human race? If it is because of that one, initial original sin perpetrated by Adam and Eve, methinks He is carrying revenge or punishment much too far . . . Think about it! To give ALL mankind untold grief for the sin of two people who were born completely physically grown, but their brain must have been like little children. This question has plagued me for many years . . . Why condemn a whole world for the actions of two people . . . Sounds to me like a hissy fit carried to the extreme . . .
An old hermit living in a south Louisiana swamp is hording a stolen treasure of the pirate Jean Lafitte the townsfold believe and two scoundrals make plans to rob the old man . . . But things are not always as they seem . . . Download and read this almost four thousand-word short story for a mere forty-nine cents . . . That's right!! .49 cents . . . Click on the picture above to purchase it . . .

Here Are Reviews, Synopsis and Links To My Books . . .
Click on above book cover to purchase . . .
Cindy Landry and her husband, Michael were abducted and held in an isolated house for two days. Days which were filled with torture and perverted sexual assault. After the two day ordeal was over Michael lay murdered and Cindy left for dead.
After Cindy was released from the hospital two years passed with no justice for her husband and baby’s murderer. Bobby Guidry, the man who abducted, raped and killed was still walking around as a free man. The justice system of Bayou Lorraine was slow, much too slow for Cindy. She was thinking revenge.
With the unlikely help of Imogene, the murderer’s sister, who was also sexually abused by Bobby and her other brothers, they go about exacting their revenge. Cindy’s mother, Monique, is concerned about Cindy and her complete seclusion since the awful act of barbarism; she is worried about her mental health. But Cindy travels the sixty miles to New Orleans for her own brand of therapy, which her mother knows nothing about.
This exciting story is about justice thwarted and the attempt to settle the scores of the two women by themselves. There are times when you must make do with what you have to deal with. In this case, Imogene and Cindy have Bobby Guidry.
Click HERE To Purchase “Rank Stranger”
Sans Souci, Louisiana is The Beast's next target for mayhem and murder. Thornton Ashe named himself The Beast many years and many murders ago. An unlikely candidate for such a name, Thornton is a bit on the nerdy side. Still, the name fits our wary and elusive cold-bloodied killer.
The horror The Beast has spawned over the years began innocently enough as a social experiment, but soon turned into something personal and very deadly. After selecting Sans Souci to terrorize next, The Beast chooses Race Benoit as his "Specimen." But, as Race will find out, it The Beast isn't only interested in him. The Beast begins to target people Race is close to in a sadistic attempt to see how much stress Race can withstand.
Enter Purvis Champagne, Clabert Parish Sheriffs Detective and begrudgingly protector of Race. Purvis is black, born in New Orleans where he observed enough violence on the mean streets of the Ninth Ward to steer him in the direction of law enforcement as a career move. It wasn't that Purvis had a need to "make a difference," he just wanted to put bad guys in prison.
These two unlikely people eventually bond an uneasy friendship as they try to stay one step away from The Beast. It is not an easy thing to do. The Beast blends in, not causing attention to himself and strikes unlikely victims to terrorize Race into breaking. And Race does break, for a short time. Purvis rescues him and takes him to Miss Mavis, an eccentric woman who still maintains her nineteen sixties' love and peace values. It is there Race has come to hide from The Beast.
Rank Stranger is a first-rate thriller from page one to its conclusion.
Click HERE for Josh’s Dragon
My grandson asked his mother, "Why doesn't granddad write something I can read?" He was eleven. So I wrote him a dragon story. What's not to like about dragons?
"> Click For Misdemeanors & Felonies: A Memoir
There comes a time in some men's lives that it is "fess up" time. That time for me is now. Candence, Patricia and Nick, my children, need to know a little about their father who was not there for them while they were growing up. This, sadly, is all I have to give them now. My chance at showering them with love and support and all that goes with being a father is long past due and sadly, sadly lacking. I can only give them my words. This book is for them. If no one else reads it, it does not matter, this book is for them. Oh, I hope others might want to delve into the sins of one man who was raised with 1950's values and busted into the 1960's and 70's with a gusto for all the forbidden there was to savor, and there was much to savor.
Click For Write To Murder
You remember those gripping tales mixing legal suspense and Southern charm that flowed from the pen of John Grisham during the last decade? Or the great Southern drawl of earthy tradition from William FauIkner in an earlier time? It seems we have among us a modern author of similar talents, a gentleman nurtured in the steamy culture of the moist land in that network of slow-moving southern Louisiana bayous a hundred miles southwest of New Orleans. This author is none other than Jerry Bolton.
Jerry’s adroit skills at weaving poetic wonder and short stories that play to the often flawed characters that one just knows have been an intimate part of his life, in part or in whole. Jerry has a throng of memorable literary bits and pieces and other novels to his credit.
In Write To Murder,
Jerry spins a great yarn mixing two common household ingredients that are, by themselves not too alarming, and can even be inert. But when poured together through Jerry’s pen, they combine with a dangerous explosive force, like rubbing alcohol and peroxide. We are all familiar with one of these elements: a great yearning to write prose and poetry that is “outside the box” in its ability to penetrate the consciousness of its audience — literary derring-do that puts our wares on a shelf above those of others.
The other common element is found in abundance in that too-long list of flawed character traits of the human race. Greed, lust, avarice, cupidity, rapacity and covetousness, among others, meld into the scabs on the festering rash that Jerry meticulously picks at for fodder for this book. What results is a set of colorful portraitures that tangle in a race through a Shakespearean-plotted story-line to a climactic and dramatic finish.
What more could one want in a murder-mystery than Voodoo tainted Cajun swampland harboring such a volatile mixture? Not a lot, in my opinion. Jerry’s latest will keep you entertained at the beach this summer or curled up in your reading chair at home. You won’t even notice the blondes strutting by in the sand or the clock ticking toward midnight at home. This is a good book. Four stars! Congratulations Jerry!
© 2007 R. Leland Waldrip
Click For Margaret and David: A Love Story
I am pleased to include herein the most appreciated and wonderful review of Margaret and David: A Love Story by Aberjhani . . . Thank you again, my friend . . .

What makes Margaret and David: A Love Story, by Louisiana author Jerry Bolton such an important book to read? Answer: because few American authors dare to employ serious literary fiction to address so bluntly the issues and implications of race, religion, gender, and politics as Bolton does in this very provocative speculative write. How does he do what he does? Please keep reading.
In Playing in the Dark, her masterful meditation on “whiteness and the literary imagination,� Nobel laureate Toni Morrison takes a deep unwavering look at the absence and presence of Blacks in American literature written by Whites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. That presence, she found, was one most often marginalized to a point of token representation, or, transformed into a metaphor signifying psychological and political states of unrest. Following his own literary instincts, Jerry Bolton, white twenty-first century author, completely reverses his literary forebears’ inclinations and gives African Americans center stage.
Margaret and David: A Love Story fuses political intrigue, social theory, some rather spicy Louisiana erotic flavorings, and science fiction to construct what at its core is essentially a love story of exceptional caliber. The novel is set in the distant future after a second civil war has completely changed life in the United States as we know it in 2007. Yet this is not one more near-Armageddon vision of life in the potentially radioactive days of the future. Instead, the fall-out from the civil war in Margaret and David: A Love Story is a political one that reverses the power structure and social order both as it exists to some degree at present and as it has existed in the past. What that means in these 303 pages is that the one-time 50 United States has been changed into four major territorial zones and been renamed African-America.
As the new name of the country implies, African-Americans in Margaret and David: A Love Story managed to come out on top in the second civil war and, almost a century later, are the country’s ruling first class citizens. On the other hand, Whites become second class citizens to the extreme and suffer the kind of degradations and genocidal attacks that Blacks experienced in the United States of the Reconstruction and Jim Crow years (1870s to 1960s) when murders by lynching were commonplace and Blacks were denied equal civil rights. Rather than being referred to as Caucasians or Whites, they are referred to by the derogatory “Fairy,� an acronym that stands for “Fair-skinned and Immoral Rapscallion Yokels.� There’s humor in the phrase but a definite sting as well, a quality found throughout the novel.
Even more, Jews following the civil war in Margaret and David: A Love Story have suffered a second, seemingly fatal and final, holocaust. The established order is neither a utopia nor a dystopia but a warped attempt at a theocracy slowly crumbling due to its abuses and corruption. A radical Islamic faction controls the government even though the majority of Blacks illegally worship as Christian Baptists. Whites are not allowed to formally worship at all. As if to add killing insult to mortal injury, a reality TV program called “History Revisited� frequently broadcasts the degradation of Whites as entertainment––again, in this, one can find actual parallels in the history of African Americans.
Because we are talking here about the future, technology has also continued march forward and denizens now get around in flying cars called Bandoliers. Given the inevitable discontent of one group and the overdose on power by another, fancy cars (very much like now) do nothing to quell the tensions and conflicts that begin to materialize. Groups of white activists and Blacks secretly working alongside them struggle to achieve a concept considered abhorrent: equality.
The kind of racial transmogrification that Bolton applies in Margaret and David: A Love Story has been employed before (with differences of course) by writers such as James Sallis in his celebrated Lew Griffin Mystery series, and the Pulitzer-Prize winner William Styron in The Confessions of Nat Turner. French author Gene Genet accomplished a feat still somewhat astonishing in his play The Blacks, which also saw the rise of Blacks to power only to see them fall prey to human weakness before the same. Bolton takes his literary daring further than any of these.
In Margaret and David: A Love Story, when the radically-inclined Margaret Wheatly Garver, black, dares to help a witless youth named Zane, white, escape the group pursuing him, her life and the destiny of her country changes forever. Zane turns out to be the younger brother of David, a red-headed giant of a man who is revered by his people a the prophet and leader of their eventual deliverance. Margaret finds herself simultaneously attracted to and repulsed by David. He is intrigued by the courage she displays by returning his brother to Fairytown, and she is impressed by his physical stature as well as the place of honor he obviously holds among his people. Their story would have ended had Margaret simply left Zane with his brother, never to return to Fairytown, but return she does. On her second trip, she and David become lovers. However, on that same occasion, Fairytown suffers an historical massacre at the hands of the notorious Guard, one of the leaders of which is Margaret’s overzealous more politically correct black boyfriend Hakeem.
The relationship between Margaret and David is as erotically charged as it is politically dynamic. So intense is the yin and yang of their connection that Bolton originally titled this novel "Margaret and David: A Love Story," which is a name it may bear again in a future edition. As dominant as Margaret and David are as the principle characters in Margaret and David: A Love Story they are surrounded by an exceptional supporting cast. The drama they bring to the novel conceivably could produce a sequel or two of its own. Margaret’s parents, A’Lelia and Douglas, may be part of the ruling class’ upper crust but they are far from happy people, tortured by individual secret and political demons. The irony is all bitter when Margaret discovers that she has much more in common with both her parents and yet is far different from either of them than she ever guessed.
Likewise, David is surrounded by a group of people who in another era might have been described as “poor dumb rednecks� but in Margaret and David: A Love Story take on the admirable identity of underground resistance fighters. Bolton has a gift for grounding his characters, whether black or white or male or female, in the heat of the psychological and historical moment. Some of those moments may prove too intense for some readers but getting through them to the next one is often what good literature, and life itself, is all about.
Margaret and David: A Love Story would not be a particularly remarkable book if all it did was present readers with a scenario of “What if Blacks were the dominant rulers of the United States?� It just so happens, however, that Bolton is a master of plot twists and turns that take readers’ imaginations on a thrilling flight of controlled shock and revelation that makes Margaret and David: A Love Story a very entertaining read. While David and Margaret’s relationship develops, political intrigue and political disasters increase as supporters of David’s movement and extremist Guard members head toward a fearful confrontation. Something unexpected occurs and, eventually, the “Fairies� achieve a level of victory that elevates Margaret and David to the status of celebrated revolutionaries. Their conquest, however, proves an ambiguous one that results in scenes that swing back and forth between the dramatic––such as when Margaret suffers a nervous breakdown––and the comic––as when David finds himself trying to ward off the sexual advances of his hostess at a fundraiser. In a way, the book has two endings, which will not be revealed here. One of them might be described as brutally true to life where the destinies of committed political activists are often concerned. The other might be considered the humane and appropriate treatment of an exceptional literary heroine.
First written in 1990, and revised several times, Margaret and David: A Love Story, is one of six novels by Bolton. Incredibly, none thus far have been published by a traditional mainstream publisher and Bolton has done his reading audience the great service of making several of the novels available himself. Margaret and David: A Love Story is not a tale that every reader will embrace. Some African American readers in particular are likely to take offense at some of Bolton’s choice of similes, such as when he compares the dirt on one man’s feet to the color of Margaret’s face. It is, nonetheless, a book well worth reading in this 2007 day and age when so much of human life is defined by racial, religious, political, social, and economic divisions. As writer Mari (Bauer) D’India observed in her review of the Margaret and David: A Love Story, “it will most certainly make some readers angry, scare the hell out of others...� Author Sage Sweetwater, whose novels often examine society from the opposite end of the social history spectrum, hailed it as “a bold masterpiece.�
At the center of Bolton’s powerful book is a message we have heard before but one that fear, greed, ignorance, and other less noble human traits keep convincing us to forget: that as human beings, love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater harmony and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.
Click For My Mother's Revenge
After the slow and prolonged torture and eventual death of her mother, mafia princess Kathy Albertini is drawn into a world of sexual excess and alcohol to combat her fears and memories. A new lover brings shameful secrets of his own that surface violently and unexpectedly. Adding to the emotional upheaval, Kathy has a stalker. My Mother's Revenge is set in New Orleans and the swamps which surround it . . .

My Blog

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My wife died tonightI have nothing left to sayDottie died tonight
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