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Jana Losey

Jana’s new TV show on FOX is a smash hit!!

About Me

Jana Losey "The Song You Heard" , new show on FOX in Upstate New York (WYDC). BROADCAST SCHEDULE:

Corning/Elmira.Northern PA WYDC Big FOX ch13
Fridays @1:30pm
Saturdays @ 5pm and 10pm
Sundays @6:30pm
WJKP MyTV ch71
Fridays @ 9am and 12 midnight
Sundays @ 4:30pm
Rochester WBGT MyTV ch18
Saturdays @ 2pm and 2:30am
Watch the show to your left, and Leave Jana your comments on the show!
The Song You Heard official web site

BLOCKS - The New CD is HERE! Critics are raving about it! Get yours now!

BITTERSWEET, Jana's first release, now contains 4 live tracks! It's also currently Number 17 on Sirius Radio's OutQ Station! Get the Bittersweet CD NOW!

A Runner up in the 2007 VH-1 Song of The Year Awards!

Voted a "Suggested Artist" By the 2006 VH-1 Song of the Year Awards!

“I want people to have an ‘altered time’ kind of experience that happens in the theater or a really good movie — the kind where you can forget about what’s going on with you and travel like you’re dreaming.”
For singer/songwriter Jana Losey and her and co-writer/producer Melanie Peters, it’s not just the live performances that have felt dreamlike in recent days. After touring cross-country and moving back to her hometown of Lawrenceville, PA (population 600), Jana and Melanie recorded there upcoming new a labor of love mostly in the house where Jana grew up — the same house that will soon be torn down to accommodate the new highway currently going up in their backyard!
Touring constantly, how does a Pennsylvania farm girl develop such keen artistic determination? Where did the vision and ambition begin to take root? If every musical path can be traced back to its first few baby steps, you could follow Jana’s back to when she was three.
“Everywhere I went I carried around a small suitcase record player, a jump rope, and a couple 45s. When I found a wiling audience, I would ‘plug’ the jump rope ‘into’ the record player and sing ‘Sugar Sugar’ by The Archies”.
The success of her debut album Bittersweet encouraged her to begin thinking about how to construct a long-term, sustainable career in music. As a result, she began to take a big-picture view of her life in general and how she could sow the seeds for a long career, and eventually create a permaculture community. That direction inspired her to make changes that affect many aspects of her life on the road.
“My commitment to Permaculture right now is mostly a commitment to considering the environment in everything I do. From office supplies and CD production to food choices, gasoline and motel rooms, I try to make the least amount of impact I can.” Losey’s goal is to use her music, Web site, and touring performances to support and spread the word about environmental sustainability.
In the past year, organic evolution has been evident in Losey’s songwriting process as well. Whereas, Bittersweet was an experiment in writing pop songs that originally were intended to be sold to other artists, Losey describes her new record Blocks as a project that was conceived and structured as an album from the beginning. During the development of Blocks, Losey’s primary goal was to focus on her storytelling.
“I want to not force-feed people an oversimplified lyric, and at the same time, not be so esoteric that my intention is not clear. I always strive to be a better songwriter and I hope the albums played back to back will illustrate that.”
So what’s next for this modern Renaissance woman? “I’m working really hard to make a fan base that is lasting, not following trends,” says Losey. “People who will like the artistic changes I will no doubt go through. We plan to be bi-coastal traveling back and forth between upstate New York and California.”

My Interests


Member Since: 11/3/2005
Band Website: janalosey.com
Influences: ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- THE SONG YOU HEARDEPISODE ONE Jana Losey, The Song You Heard TV Show EPISODE 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------

Music Video from the new CD BLOCKS, "5 Days"


Sounds Like:


jana losey
Record Label: PoseyTunes Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


shhhhhhhhh, we are negotiating deals with several local network affiliates for a Jana Losey reality TV show............shhhhhhhh...............
Posted by Jana Losey on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:45:00 PST


Hot off da presses.......... check out the new music video for the song "5 Days" here on myspace! Our warmest thanks goes out to the brilliant co-director Louis Sparre from Bayon Productions Drop ...
Posted by Jana Losey on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:38:00 PST

New BLOCKS Review!

Getting some great press on both the Bittersweet Album and the upcoming record BLOCKS, check 'em out hereQ-Nation.net ...
Posted by Jana Losey on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:23:00 PST

Tour Changes

Well here we are on the beautiful west coast!! My goodness, when you leave it, you forget how wonderful 70 degree weather can be! Unfortunately, other areas on our tour schedule haven't had the same...
Posted by Jana Losey on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:57:00 PST


Wow, it never rains in San Diego......it's rained the last two days straight.......like it does back home in PA....... A LOT.We have had a slow start to this second tour of the west coast, but we are...
Posted by Jana Losey on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 04:16:00 PST


Got your attention didn't I??? :)There is lot's to celebrate in our camp, everyday we grow more thankful for the team that showers us with support....... We have some truly talented and dedicated p...
Posted by Jana Losey on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:24:00 PST

New Music, West Coast Tour!!

Ok, it's taken FOREVER!! But keep listening, the new song "Llittle Wars" is one of our personal favorites off the new record.Phil Nicolo has mixed the record, check him out in our top friends....... ...
Posted by Jana Losey on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:18:00 PST

How do YOU say my name?

Correct = JAN-AH LOW-C (as low C on the piano)Incorrect = jane-ah lousey, jenna lowzeearghh!!! Wait, I do understand the trouble, it's somewhat of an unsuual name, and even if you've mispronounced...
Posted by Jana Losey on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:48:00 PST

Press.... Read interviews now!

You can get all my press reviews from one site just by clicking:NEWSNEWS......AND THEN SELECT "PRESS"...
Posted by Jana Losey on Wed, 03 May 2006 12:24:00 PST