I love sports...and music. I don't like people who put themself down or braggers. It annoys me. But I love to go Boarding with friends and family...Live in Spyhill go to skool in hazy, i'm athletic and kinda built...:S...i like my guy friends alot..they mean the world to mean they are definatley better that girls as friends...i can talk to them... without them freaken outt...i go into some realationships but just end up dumpin the guy cause i don't wana be the one to get hurt i'm single right now and if your a guy that is the quick realationship type then i'm not the one fer you but if you wana stay in a actual realationship then i'm there...be yourself..don't try to be anyone else...because you probably couldn't pull it off. I also play the geetar!...i play bass, electric and acoustic!:D...but that's me and and my point of view..If yehh Wana add moi my addy is
[email protected].
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