I Wish I could play guitar. I can play the piano. That's as musical as I get I suppose! I love to camp, sing, hang with friends, go river rafting, roast marshmallows, color with crayons, take the roof off my car and let may hair fly in the wind, ice skate, and play cards with friends. My one wish is to go to a ball so I can dress up really fancy and dance. Have you ever seen Pride & Prejudice? I want to go to a dance like that too if I ever could!Oh, and did I mention, I love cowboys? or those who look like they could be *wink*!!!
Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Mary Lou Clementine
Hillbilly Name Generator
WHO would I like to meet? Um...I could write lists and lists of people, but someone who would be cool to meet is Sinbad. He's a fun actor that made it his goal to never swear in a movie. What an asperation! You can say so much without using profanity! (granted nobody's perfect, but who wants to watch a movie that swears all the time.)
What attracts people to you?
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I love movies! I even like dumb ones. I guess I'm easily amused or something. I don't really see what's so great about the new AVP movie. Kind of lame, but I haven't seen the others, so I guess that's the prob. I love older movies too. My two most favorite movies are Ferris Bueller's(spelling?) Day Off, and Oscar (with Sylvester Stalone). I also love Disney...not so much of the new ones, but the older ones are aweome! It's hard for me to watch scary movies, but if I'm w/someone who will hide me, I'm ok with that too! I also have a really cool friend (Zach on my friends list) who is in an independant film...I'd really like to see that! WOW, I'd have a famous friend! hahaha :)
I love CSI, Crossing Jordan (the earlier seasons), Law & Order...all 3 series, Without a Trace,...oh! and Numbers, definitely Numbers. It's so awesome! I only wish I had all the time in the world to catch them, but I rarely get to see a TV show anymore!
I know this sounds hokey-dokey, but I love shakespeare. He was an amazing writer! To write like that for so many plays...wow! I hate Steinbeck books, but I love Of Mice and Men...which is Steinbeck's, but that's the only exception!!! The Work and the Glory is excellent, and so is The Fire of the Covenant. The Hidding Place is also a must read!
Heroes...wow. What a status. How can I rank someone? Hmmm. Anthony Hales for sure is one. Rosie Gardner, Sage Evans, Miranda Holmes, Shanelle Beasley, and many others who have touched my heart only the way they can. My mom and dad have to be one of my top heroes though. My mom is like Super Mom. People think life is crazy with only 2 kids, maybe 4, and trust me it is, because we make our lives busy, no matter how big or small our families are, but w/8 kids, and 10 different schedules, my mom does it all! I only hope I can be even 1/10 of who she is when I grow up (which is too soon for comfort!). Last, but certainly not least, is Nat Phelps.