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What is your favorite accent? southern Southern
When were you conceived? I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Do you have a really big jacket? It fits two
If you were a bird what would you poop on first?
Have you ever had a yearning to make an idiot of yourself while scaring those around you? Absolutely
What's your favourite kind of berry? Sweetberries. If you are from Bradenton you know what I mean
Do you know the Muffin Man? Yes, I ate him
What do you have hanging from the mirror of your car? Nothing, I think that is stupid. That wasn't in when I was in High School. I'm much older than that.
Name a memory that involved a hampster. Where do I start. The first one ate its two babies. I needed counseling after that.
What's the worst haircut you've ever gotten? 9th grade. My friends mom cut about 2 feet off and I expected a couple in inches
What's the worst thing you've done under the influence of silliness?
What's the weirdest thing you've done to pass time? I don't have time to do weird things.
Have you ever gone completely mad due to sleep deprivation? Yes, and I start laughing for no reason.
What's the oddest song you like?
What's your favourite awful smell? Thats sick. This is a guy question. Guys like to smell bad things not girls.
Name all the places you've been kicked out of. Outer Limits. Thanks Tonya
What odd sandwich would you like to try? Cucumber and and and
What's your favourite trippy children's story?
Do you think kilts are cool? No
Have you ever internet stalked someone? No
Have you ever mutilated any kind of toy? I melted my barbie's hair with a curling iron. I didn't know it was made out of plastic?.
If you were missing what kind of milk carton would you want your picture on? Soy. Because smart people drink it.
How do you feel about tapestries? WWhhaatt?
How do you feel about frilly toothpicks? Is it really necessary
If you could design a kleenex box what would you put there? Bugers
What's the smallest thing your afraid of?
When did Johnny Depp look best? Always
What would be the funniest cartoon fight?
If you were a cow what would you do?
What's your best memory that took place in a lake? Wake Boarding with Aaron Fellows