Your Ice Cream Personality:
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You are the type of person who likes to throw caution to the wind. You only live once, so you're going to live as large as possible. You are definitely a wild one!
You are a fairly open minded person with a wide range of tastes. You are quite accepting of unusual ideas and people.
You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.
You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way The Ice Cream Personality Test
which princess are you?
you are sleeping beauty
gracful,wonderer,simply irresistable,love to sing? one kiss one love!
How do you compare?
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