ALL AGES D.I.Y. space in West Philadelphia. 4028 Filbert st.
HELLO ALL! The Avant Gentlemen's Lodge returns to infrequent action!
Participatory Groove Colloquium
Saturday March 21 9pm-3am
free admission, all ages, free water
You're supposed to get sweaty dancing to freaky groovy music from the 60s and 70s
This will be a low-key event for genuine music lovers, not a crazy party. It's not okay to stand around outside drinking beer. Please respect the neighbors. Don't get drunk. Don't tell people about this unless they can understand and respect the spirit of the event. This event is just a DJ using a laptop to play rare amazing dance music for a modest crowd of positive, wonderful, wholesome music lovers jumping around like crazy and drinking water. That's it.
great people + great music + great exercise + great proprioceptive aesthetic self-development
all the details are on this myspace page:
please check out the sick mp3 mixes on that page to hear samples of the actual music that will be used!!!
half of the mix will have a special theme: west african funk from the 70s