Going to tremont and being a rocker in my secret double life! having fun! shopping, talking! being crazy! manatees and winnie the pooh haha!
adopt your own virtual pet!
the man who created Burberry! The guys of Slipknot! anyone who likes talking, or shopping yeah!
as sara would say "crap, crap, and more crap!'" but i like mainly rock and metal! my favorite band is slipknot! but i also love Orgy, Blue October,Trivium, Murderdolls, Kittie, AFI, HIM, Cradle Of Filth, Nirvana, Marilyn Manson,Rob Zombie, Disturbed,Stone Sour, Avenged Sevenfold,plenty more im not made of time!
My favorite movie of all time is the Nightmare Before Christmas! but my other favorites are:Chucky,Killer Klowns from Outer Space (i suck you out of cotton candy), Saw, IT, Halloween, Friday the 13th (oh no),Scary Movie, Exorcist, Sin City, Queen Of The Damned, Dracula (oh i love it bite me more),and on my girly side i love The Notebook, Walk to Remember, A Little Princess, and of course Wizard of OZ!
Sex and the City, Rockstar:Supernova, Ren and Stimpy, Spongebob (i love that sponge)! I really don't watch too much t.v.
I love Harry Potter, I like Princess Diary's (excuse me for liking them), 1984,A Chinese Cinderella! um books about ghosts and stuff yeah!
My family of course! My wonderful friends! the mall and Burberry haha! anyone who has balls like i do!