VEW Magazine
About Me
VEW Magazine, to put it simply is a kick in the balls to all other magazine's that have found themselves going with the flow of trends. The type of publication that poses as genuine music fans, but won't be the ones to stand up and say "actually, that band that everyone loves ISN’T that good. And that album everyone is hyping about is going to be exactly the same as the other albums"
Behind the scenes VEW Magazine is a group of people who give you an un-biased representation of who genuinely are the hardest working bands in the industry today. And that includes those hard working unsigned bands you see giving out demos and handing out flyers on the streets of your local town. We are the kind of people that literally live music. We are the type of people that spend 50% of our time at gigs, and the other 50% writing about them. Sleep? We don’t have time for it. We get by on red-bull and sugar cubes working endlessly to bring
the best we possibly can.
Feel free to join our community on the Forum. There is always a discussion about something musical and there is always someone to chat to. Comments are usually returned as well, but lets face it, between the red-bull intoxicated writers, ear chewing photographers and the arty-farty graphics designers, you’d probably be better on the forums with the
If you’re a band and you’d like us to ‘Check Out Your Tunes’, don’t bother. We won’t. It’s not because were arseholes or anything. We just don’t have time to check out every band that gets in touch with us. Good word spreads fast though, so if you work hard, we’ll usually hear about you anyway.
Does all this sound like fun? Are you a budding writer/photographer and want a little help getting that press pass for that band you really want to cover? Contact the Editor with a little info an possibly some examples of your work. : He’s nice, honest.
'VEW Magazine' is part of the 'VEW Enterprises' family. © VEW Enterprises, All Rights Reserved.
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