i LiKe CaRs, Tv, MoViEs, FoOd, AnD gAmEs I lOvE pLAyInG pAiNtBaLl, I lOvE pLaYiNg NeS aNd SnEs.
If you get told all the time your beautiful but you don't believe it. You can never find that one special person that you've been looking for...but your a pretty girl right? It does'nt make sense to you...if your beautiful but you always seems like theres no guys who like you...to you love is an excuse to get hurt...and don't worry your just like me.i LiKe AlL kInDs Of MuSiC.. rAsCaL fLaTs, aCe Of BaSe, NeW fOuNd GlOrY, hInDeR, eAzY e... EaZy AnD i ArE tIgHt... We HaVe ThE sAmE bIrThDay!!!
i LiKe CaRs, ThE sHaWsHaNk ReDeMpTiOn, A lOt LiKe LoVe, BlUe CrUsH, gIrL iNtErUpTeD, pIrAtEs Of ThE cArRiBbEaN!
I lIkE tHe SiMpSoNs, CsI, fOrEnSiC fIlEs, FrIeNdS, prIsOn BrEaK iS tHe BeSt!!!!! AnD fAmIlY gUy!
uNdEr AnD aLoNe Is By FaR mY fAvOrItE bOoK
mY hErO iS mY gRaNdA... He dIeD wHeN i WaS iN 5tH gRaDe BuT hE iS aNd AlWaYs WiLl Be My HeRo!