ChicSwap is an event for fashionable ladies to get together and swap out the fabulous clothing and accessories that sit in their closets and don’t get the wear they deserve. That beautiful Coach purse your mom gave you that is just not your style or the Seven Jeans you bought on sale that are just a tad too small. If it still has the tags on it, bring it to ChicSwap!
Each lady is allowed to bring up to five clothing items that are in new or gently used condition to each ChicSwap event. For each item accepted, you will receive a ticket that can be redeemed for a new item of the same value. All unclaimed items at the end of each event are donated to SafePlace.
There are 3 ticket levels:
Items valued at $50-$100
Items valued at $101-$200
Items valued at $201+
Minimum value for each item must be $50.
The ticket system allows for shoppers to swap items in the same value level as the items they bring to each ChicSwap events.
ChicSwap is an event to bring your girlfriends to for an evening for shopping, swapping, and socializing!
Items that CAN be brought to ChicSwap include:
Items that CAN NOT be brought to ChicSwap:
Bathing Suits
Under Garments
Check out our website and RSVP at
Myspace Layouts For Girls!