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Chris Brown

The Chris Brown Street Magic DVD Coming Soon

About Me

About the Chocolate Room: The Chocolate chat room serves a few different purposes. One of the obvious ones is I love people. I'll take any chance I can get to converse and study deeper into why we are the way we are. I figure that someday I'll reach a point of an epiphany and I'll have finally figured it all out if i surround myself with people. On the other side of the spectrum, I love being by myself at times and really appreciate what surrounds me. Every night at 8:08 PM Pacific time, The Chocolate room will be a place where magicians and others can come and talk about magic, politics, life, youtube clips, realizations, self help, and group advice for certain issues. What is the Chocolate Room? The Chocolate room was a room in Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory where you could eat anything. Everything was edible, the whole room was a giant thought. When you're in this room, thats when you're at your creativity's peak. Knowledge is power, but Creativity is infinite power of design. The Chocolate room is not just a place from the movie, it symbolizes that x-zone where your imagination literally makes a movie in your head and you think of the most abstract things. I welcome everybody to this room. When I can, I'll make it a priority to come and visit with you guys at 8:08 on the dot. Talk with you soon, friends.
Change the world,
Chris Brown
"Backstory: A extraordinarily talented young magician I know named Chris Brown has a video up on YouTube which has garnered over 2 million views, an astonishing number in the YouTube universe and a sure sign that he did something right. Needless to say, many magicians hate him.
The Genii Forum, one of the most influential online forums for magicians, has a whole long thread of pompous deconstruction (no really, don't bother) about why Chris' video is terrible and pointless and why Chris needs to consult with them so he can learn how to really do magic like a pro. Okay, it's not entirely all about that, and there are some voices from people who actually get it, but in the subtext of the thread that description pretty much sums it all up.
Anyway, as one of his many mentors (and probably his biggest fan among us), I felt the need to respond in a public way to the whole thread. If you're not into magic you may want to skip this. On the other hand, if you're interested in hearing some inside dish about the magic community, read on.

Hoo Boy, I just had to write in on this one. It's amazing to read such a typically clueless discussion as has characterized much of this thread. I'd almost wager money that most of those so upset about Chris' YouTube video aren't big fans of David Blaine either. When you don't know why the successful are successful you don't really understand your own art.
2 million hits on YouTube doesn't happen by accident, folks. It just doesn't. 2 million hits happens because you struck a chord with a lot of people by showing something, unfiltered by traditional media filters, that moves them in a deep and personal way. And they have, in turn, done your marketing for you, driven by passion -- theirs -- to share with all their friends whatever it is in your clip that moved them in some new way.
Chris' clip is more amazing than most of you know, and better magic, too. His technique is fine, and he's the most gifted natural performer I've encountered in many many moons.
He has a vision, guys. He's young and he's raw, but he has a vision, for himself and for magic. And he's got the cojones to pull it off, too.
People -- a lot of them, obviously -- saw the video and thought the magic was amazing. That's why they recommended it to their friends, and that's why he has 2 million hits. He has a lot of fans because they can feel that he's real. Not a prefabricated fake like Copperfield, but a real person who loves to make magic happen for real people.
And the humility! Chris has real humility. He's cocky as hell, but deep down he's a serious soul. Read his comments on the thread. It's all about gratitude for your opinions, about respect for his elders, about not wanting to start any fights, about his love for magic and his desire to express himself through it.
He learned from the Master, folks. He's a disciple of David Blaine all the way, and David Blaine is the most important magician since Houdini. By far. David Blaine saved magic. He's the reason really cool, hip, artistic kids now are attracted to magic.
I've been in magic well over thirty years and it was never the cool, hip, artistic kids who did magic. Never. To be a magician was to automatically not be the cool, hip, artistic kid.
Now, thanks to David Blaine, we have more amazing cool, hip, artistic young magicians than ever.
The aging magical chattering class hates the Blaine style, so snootily dismissed as "Street Magic," precisely because it has the actual "street" in it, as in real people, in the real world. The idea that magic should be something that happens in their world, on their streets, in their lives, is anathema to the dysfunctional paradigm in which magic has stagnated for the last hundred years.
Like the aging rock and roll chattering class that hates and fears Hip Hop -- which similarly emerges from and expresses the feelings of the street -- magic's aging chattering class has quite convinced themselves that real magicians work gigs for money, like birthday clowns, or work live in theaters.Getting someone to pay you a lot of money to do only the magic you really, really want to do, is obviously not a path a serious artist would ever take. That's why the best and wisest actors are the ones who do commercials and amusement park shows rather than those slackers, like Robert DeNiro, who become movie stars. That's why the band that played at your wedding is obviously a more "serious" bunch of musicians than Radiohead. Or U2.
The chattering class' slide from mediocrity into irrelevance will only get worse...
And to mix your magic with Hip Hop -- quelle horreur!
Hip hop is the lingua franca of youth, my friends, and it's a language in which youth are fluent. You want to express something meaningful to kids and young adults, in a way that's hip and cool, you back it with hip hop. And Chris does just that, not because he cares about being cool, but because hip hop is his lingua franca too, it's the music that expresses how he feels, in a language he understands.
How great for all of us who love magic that the art is being saved, day by day, by the people the old guard hate and fear the most. This is absolutely the best time in a hundred years to be a great magician, a golden age. And Chris is lucky and honored to be riding in the vanguard right now.
Just be grateful for our front-row seats."
Source: PeaceLove's Musings Blog

My Interests

Can you imagine what it feels like to have someone sit you down and tell you that you're dying? The gravity of that, hmm? Then the clock's ticking for you. In a split second your awe is cracked open. You look at things differently - smell things differently. You savor everything be it a glass of water or a walk in the park. But most people have the luxury of not knowing when that clock's going to go off. And the irony of it is that that keeps them from really living their life. It keeps them drinking that glass of water but never really tasting it.
-Saw 2

I'd like to meet:

"Life isn't truly worth living until you find something within yourself to live for." - Megan
"Nobody is going to help you until you help yourself." - Kevin Gibson
"For what reason do we hate?" - Roman
"Fear Is Nothing But An Illusion That Our Minds Create To Show Our Limitation So Live With No Fear Then Live With No Limits"- Ghost Che
"Don't let others have more control over you than you have over yourself." - Trevor
"In order to get something you have never had before, you have to be willing to do something you have never done" - Miguelito
"I want to live forever. Not immortally, but eternally." - Rob
"Keep your eyes open, and your mind open wider, assume nothing, and question everything..." - Noah
"In the wake of the smoke and ashes. The path that lead us to this momment where we once believed we were in the right hands, is now and forever. The world will still spin on its axis like clockwork, and we should do the same. Move along with life, live merry, strive to be more than just a person, try to succeed as an individual. Marking down every passing judgement as a sign to keep heading forward. Through stuggle we will become one, and die as a whole." - Tyler
"your heartbeat knows all u want. it's only the stars that watch u when the sun sleeps. u can do this with your eyes wide open only if you're ready to sacrifice your soul. to crawl out of your own comfort and confront what you do not see. but when you do see...will you be digging your fingernails deep or will you finally exhale?" - BJ Ganzagan
"wake up and Think,While Its still legal." - J Farm
"you're never alone, your shadow follows you everywhere. just be sure you don't follow in the shadows of someone else, be you. always." - Christina
"Consider your life, and everything that you've done. All the good, and all the bad. Was the good really good? Was the bad really nessicary? Would you change something if you could? Think about it. You might want to change your direction in life." - Kaleb

"Nothing Changes until Something Changes!!" - Shane K.

"Everything will be okay in the end. if it's not okay, then it's not the end." - pizza for dinner

"Nothing...absolutely nothing is what it seems." - Michael ? Meister
"In order to start loveing someone you have to dig inside yourself. Love yourself and know yourself before you even try to love someone else" - Neil
"A human's only limitations are the doubts and fears that the mind allow you to believe... If you're mind is bold enough to believe you can fly... you will fly. For example the mind of a young child that doesn't know any better is so free and pure... one day children will fly..." -Clarence


• Immortal Technique
• Eyedea & Abilities
• Jedi-Mind tricks
• Dynospectrum
• Heiroglyphics
• Aesop Rock
• Atmosphere
• Louis Logic
• Binary Star
• Brother Ali
• Copywrite
• Metallica
• Chino XL
• Krs-One
• Canibus
• Chicago
• Oldies
• Big L
• Cage
• 311


• Shade
• Identity
• Zeitgeist
• The Prestige
• The Illusionist
• Rocky Balboa
• Only the Strong
• American Gangster
• National Treasure
• Edward Scissorhands
• The Back to the Futures
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
• Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory
• American History X
• Heartbreak Ridge
• A Beautiful Mind
• V for Vendetta
• Forrest Gump
• Falling Down
• The Matrix
• The Edge
• Speed
• 300


• Rocky
• Parents
• Houdini
• Kim Peek
• Jim Carrey
• Steve Irwin
• Rosa Parks
• Wayne Dyer
• David Blaine
• Aron Ralston
• Mister Rogers

My Blog

The Starfish Mentality

The inspiration to seek the full portion to this was from one of my myspace friends through a message. The Starfish A well known author and poet was working and vacationi...
Posted by Chris Brown on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 03:29:00 PST

Quotes to Change your Life

World,So tonight I've decided to add a quote section to my blog. Everytime i find a new one that really hits, i'll edit my post and add it to this blog. These are for me to document but you guys are a...
Posted by Chris Brown on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 03:13:00 PST

The Old Mans Message

World,If you have a few minutes, please read this.  You should know by now I wouldn't post something thats not worth reading. :)My dad was 21 years old. A marine that just got back from the Vietn...
Posted by Chris Brown on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 11:33:00 PST

Airport Observations

January 21, 2008 10:42 am San Jose Airport, SJ   World, Well. I'm here at the San Jose airport, just watching people. Hugging, kissing, holding hands, smiling, running, searching, sleeping, ...
Posted by Chris Brown on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 02:51:00 PST

Emotion Control

World,If you really think about it...Its amazing how humans have such an advanced form of thought process to conceive such a thing as love. No other life form has the capability to love. I think that ...
Posted by Chris Brown on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 02:05:00 PST

Magic and my sanity

World,Magic and its definition have lately been enhanced, deeper, and more important. It has taken me and others out of bad moods and into a world with no limits. Is it normal for me to think the way ...
Posted by Chris Brown on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:18:00 PST

What is the most important thing to you?

I wrote a 1 hour stream of conscience tonight, and because i'd like all of i to be on the dvd in some way. I'll take a small fractioned paragraph from it and leave it here for you to think about. I ho...
Posted by Chris Brown on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:12:00 PST

Mind Vomit

Life. Love. Phase. Self. Reality. Hopes...Sight. Hugs. Change. Fear. Mentality. Notes...Words without meaning, until we go further inside them..On the outside he's smiling, but theres murder inside hi...
Posted by Chris Brown on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 05:34:00 PST

The Chris Brown Survey - Answered

Hello world,I made a survey for everybody, and i got a lot of people asking me to fill it out. That wasn't my intention but I'll do that for you. Here are the questions...The Chris Brown Survey.1. Wha...
Posted by Chris Brown on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:19:00 PST

Delerious, At peace, No sleep, Morning time.

I'm lucidly writing this...I just wanted to put this into words before i went to sleep, i want to capture how i feel right now in full clarityI just got home from working 10 pm to 6 am. i'm NEVER up t...
Posted by Chris Brown on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 06:43:00 PST