God lover, Mother, Motivator, Editor, Writer, Poet...I have to constantly remind myself that I'm really not superwoman. I write for my profession and also as a release mechanism. Self proclaimed non-name brand Diva :o)...I love the simpler things in life; I'll take dinner on the floor in the living room over a fancy restaurant any day. I'm a girly girl...some say I'm a bit spoiled. I tend to agree. I want what I want when I want it.
Official bio:
Susan A. Webley began her writing career over 15 years ago freelancing for a popular hair care magazine. Since then, her articles have graced the pages of various mainstream publications and websites in the entertainment industry. In 2002 she launched SABLE Magazine, an online publication for women of color in the LGBT community, which had the distinction of being the first of its kind on the web. The e-zine covered a mirage of topics and provided articles and features that were designed to feed the mind and nourish the soul during its six year run.
Susan also served in a media communications capacity for Pymner, Ltd., a company that provides services to the LGBT arts community and was Editor-in-chief of its online publication, The MYNE e-zine. She performs spoken word as a member of the Pmyner Collective under the pseudonym Oniwa.
In a continuing effort to help the women in her community, Susan has embarked on a mission of teaching self-empowerment by using writing as a tool. Her "Writing for Your Life" (www.writingforyourlifeseries.com) journaling/writing therapy workshops have received great reviews at women's conferences nationally.
A mother of two teenaged daughters, Susan is an active member of The Potter’s House Church of the Living God, where she is a choir member and serves as Chair of Membership and Parish Life. She also publishes the church’s two newsletters, The Vessel and The Potter’s Kids, respectfully. She resides in Brooklyn , N.Y.
My LGBT fam, don't let ANYONE tell you that you cannot have a personal relationship with God. There is NOTHING that can separate you from God's love!! If you are in the Brooklyn area, I invite you to come and fellowship with us at the Potters House Church of the Living God. Visit our MySpace page at www.myspace.com/pottershousechurch for more information and directions.