My daughtersJoto, Kathy & NeniaMy parentsMy familyFriends
Someone trustworthy and unable to stab me on the back.Someone how wouldn't hurt a fly no matter how bad things get.Someone that could make me laugh and I could be exactly the way I am.
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I own more than 400 movies all kinds except porno.The Exorcist 1 & 2The NotebookEver AfterOnce Upon A Time In MexicoFemme FataleFinal Destination 1-3Original SinSwattResident Evil 1 & 2Sweet NovemberPostmanThe RockRunning ScaredTrappedSleeping with the enemyCrashThe OthersTroy, Alexander, King ArthurOriginal SinDesperadoAssasinsThe CoreStealthWar movies, drama, action, etc.
Will & GraceOtro RolloFriendsStargate SG-1SmallvilleDesperate house wivesC.S.I. Miami
Lo que el viento se llevo.Cumbres BorrascosasItLittle womenThe IllusionistLos renglones torcidos de DiosAlmost all Agatha Christie novels.Sherlock Holmes novels.
My Grandparents My grandfather passed away July 22, 2006.Love you Papa Rey!!! My Parents Nikolas PoulakisMy best friend from Venezuela that since the age of 17 became like a father for the rest of his brothers and sisters after their fathers death.