Basically my life is: soocer. Track. Sandra. Vivien. Patrick. hannah. Kaitlin. Coach Gross is my hero. and Coach G is fly. lacrosse. max ellison. YLT. Candace. Burris. Beth. Mark P. HAWAII. my cell phone. my computer. CATALINA. Hanna. Paige. my music. my NALA. my cat. my parents (most of the time). summer. BEACH. movies. choir. Sarah Franklin. Courtney. french. Veronique. Joleen. Lizzie. Nicole. PMC: karl and stevieee. San Felipe. Carly. Kirstin. Loch Leven. Tima. Karen. Pilgrim Pines. Kaelyn. Eric. Kai. VEGAS. max owens. Alicia. halloween. becca (stupid step). books. shopping. the Spectrum. BOYS. trucks. mini coopers. perfume. clothes. hats. other peoples ipods. Robbie. irvine high school. FOOTBALL GAMES. UCSB. NO DRAMA. concerts. board games. pictures. randomness. and of course MY BIGGEST AND BESTEST SISTER CAMI ♥ aim is NVY seal Pup
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