I enjoy meeting people in different situations. I tend to go to extremes to find said situations. For example - going out on my own and meeting people in clubs and bars etc. in London.
I use a website called DontStayIn to find out what decent nights are going on.
I value my friends and family above all else, because they are the only things I can depend on in life. They offer me different opinions on my problems, they're there to share good times with, and they're there to be generous to. I believe that giving is as good, if not better than receiving. (Gay pun NOT intended!!)
My favourite type of person is a creative one. Also, one that can show me a completely different way of thinking about something.
I strive to be as individual as possible, without being a "non-conformist". I don't classify myself as a 'weird', or 'wacky' person, yet I still try to amuse people, and intrigue them.
I love going out, and not caring what people think. I can go out and dance all night without any alcohol, or I can sit and chat to someone all night and enjoy myself just as much.
Books interest me, although I haven't read loads as I find it difficult to find the time.
I am into a lot of different music - I can listen to something and decide whether I like it or not, regardless of genre or popular opinion!
I'm not a person who loves talking about themself - which makes writing this About Me thing difficult, so I'm going to stop blowing my own trumpet now!
If you consider yourself to be similarly minded, then send me a message! If not, send me a message, and perhaps we'll get on anyway!
I have a radio show!
Every other Wednesday 4pm - 6pm GMT on