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I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I am half-Goat half-Troll (type:666).The winter i roam the northern forests while i constantly shift between different planes of existance. I sustain my self by cosmic psilocybin mushrooms. The summer i rest on cocoa islands, drinking coctails on the sunset & rock n roll all night (i sleep all day long). I sustain my self with alcohol, extragalactial white dwarf cakes and takifugu fish. Also the sacred process of Mojo consuming is fundamental to who i am. I harvest a special variety of a plant and then i stuff it into wrought wood. Then i set it on fire and i inhale the smoke so that i can be attuned with the fish gods. The next stage of the ritual is the most important and extremely exciting. Though the human communication system does not provide the ability to allow me describe that phase.Its a secret ritual anyway...

My Blog

Kratikes dolofoneies - Katastrofes

Ws gnostwn oi batsoi dolofwnisan ksana ena athwo paidi meta apo 10 xronia kai enw paralhla se afto to diasthma exoun faei dekades ftwxous metanastes kai exoun xtypisei alypita ekatodades atoma. Aftous...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 22:27:00 GMT