ABOUT MEHey im Sinjin. My name is not Chinese, Japanese or Korean. I've made many mistakes in my life, way too many. I feel that now-a-days im not too close to my mom, which is something I really want work on. The worst school wise year of my life was my 9th grade year. A lot of things happened between me and my family that needs to be fixed and hasnt been fully fixed yet, and thats why i'm "different" now and more upset most the time. I'll tell you what it is, if you're somebody I can really trust which is my mom, my dad, and my sister, and a few select friends from dtp who I haven't yet told my story too. I know that if I tell michael, james, lloyd, and daniel the story of what happened, we probably wouldn't be that close, that why I wont tell them. I'm at a boarding school right now. I plan on coming back to denver for my 11th grade. If you really care enough to have read my "about me" thanks a lot, it really means something to me. if you have suggestions on how you think I can have a better relationships with my family. lemme know.
I love you mom, dad, and bella.