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Arathorn was founded in the summer of 1996 by A.K. (guitars and vocals) and Sköll (drums and vocals). Some time later M. Gericke joined them ..boards. Since the beginning Arathorn focused on finding their space in the Black Metal scene and creating their own style.
As their soundscapes were dominated by both harsh Black Metal riffing and atmospheric keyboard passages, "Medieval Metal" seemed to be the most fitting description for their music. Folk elements like acoustic guitars, flutes and clear vocals combined with medieval inspired melodies as well as instruments which are rather atypical for the metal genre like the accordion give the listener the feeling of a musical journey through these dark ages of history.
With a four track demo Arathorn succeeded in inking a deal with the still rather young label Folter Records but after the release of the debut album "Niemals krönender als was einst war" the members of Arathorn faced an uncertain future in which direction their sound should develop. Sköll wanted to take Arathorn to an even more folkloristic level while A.K. and M. Gericke were tending towards a harder sound (Nox Intempesta).
So they decided to go separate ways and Arathorn was put on hold. Meanwhile Sköll would not give up his ideas of Neo-Folk, classical arrangements and Pagan Metal, and in 2003 he decided to revive Arathorn as a one man band. In winter 2003/2004 the untitled promo demo "Demo 2004" was recorded as a new sign of life.
Some recording problems followed which resulted in a re-recording of the material and the song "Siegfried von Xanten" which can be seen as a musically seamless follower of "Hymne des Winters Zorn". Winter 2007 witnessed the completion of the recordings of "Treue und Verrat", and as Folter Records also showed interest in the new material, everything was on the right path for the release.
"Treue und Verrat", Arathorn's new album, offers a felicitous symbiosis of Black/Pagan Metal, Folk and classical music. Apart from lyrics inspired by Germanic mythology this release also brings you an excursion into the realms of the Nibelung.
"Treue und Verrat" ist die zweite Veröffentlichung von ARATHORN (wieder mal das Projekt eines einzelnen). Die Themen sind überschaubar, es geht um die mittelhochdeutsche Sage der Nibelungen, also um Kriemhild, Siegfrieds Verrat durch Hagen und seinen Tod. Was das lyrische Gespür angeht, so bin ich bis auf einen kleinen Ausrutscher ("Siedfried tat er heißen...") angenehm überrascht; der Wohlklang deutscher Texte ergibt sich, wie viele heimische Band beweisen, schließlich nicht von ungefähr. So ist diese epische Form tatsächlich für den Hörer verständlich und gut nachvollziehbar gestaltet, weil der typische raue Pagan-Gesang kaum eingesetzt wird. Der domonierende klare Gesang ist brillant mit hervorragender Technik vorgetragen-klar, laut, pathetisch. Die Synths sind für meinen Geschmack allerdings zu kitschig-heroisch. Das melodiebetonte Album wurde wenig nachpoliert, wirkt dennoch sehr sauber und gerade deshalb authentisch. Für jeden Heiden ein Volltreffer.
Marianne Frenschkowski
8,5/10 Punkte