bury your head, bare your heart
Me, myself, I’ve got nothing to prove
City lights laid out before us
I got a feeling I belong
I got a feeling I could be someone
I’m Leia, I’m 16 and _________
I’m late for pretty much everything. I’m always tired or cold or hungry. Once, Tom called me an ‘emotional pussy’. My friends are the most perfect because they know me better than I realise.
My a-levels and my waitressing keep me very busy. The rest of the time I can be found (asleep haha) at other people’s houses, on the London underground or sitting with a stack of Tracy Chapman and Iron and Wine because my computer is broken.
You may also find me with Katie, tipsily trying to get home. But deciding to go in search of a battered mars bar first.
If i could express it in a different dialect or in a delicate way, i'd capture the phrases inside the cage beneath my chest, and keep it locked for days.
i love facebook
social calendar
21 wisconsin pie wednesday.
22 school play.
23 sadler's house?
28 emily's 17th.
05 eight months + rave.
06 orson @ the astoria with peeeeterrr.
08 tea with nick.
14 madness @ the 02.
15 family xmas lunch in windsor.
17 amy's 16th.
21 WATO @ the square.
28 leave for cornwall (with ami?).
my friends try and protect me from the worst
looking at the stars on ami's trampoline /
changing into party clothes with george / m&s chocolate mousse with ginge / whoring in train wind with jaimie /
sitting in a café with amy with two tap waters, for longer than is socially acceptable /
eating breakfast on a lonely doorstep with jonathon
i like postsecret.com