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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

AIM= everythingsagag...i dont know...im just a kid who wants the world to be a better place...umm...democrat/environmentalist...not good with abstract thought...especially symbolism...try my best to not be a selfish bastard...i think its workin out all right...might be buddhist pretty soon here...but i dont think ive got the will-power for it...definately not christian...read the bible, people, it doesnt say "kill people who dont believe what you believe"...it says something along the lines of "respect thy neighbor."...and that doesnt mean the guy who lives next door...and dont help me out of hell, either...ill find my own way out, thank you very much...oh, straight-edge all the way...34-25-35...thats important...umm...shit. yeah i guess thats it. oh yeah and uh...GO BANANA SLUGS! WOOO!I love America and everything, but...hot-damn it does some dumb things sometimes.oh yeah. and i hate guns.

My Interests

i love you, rusky. always and forever.you, too, Barbarella...BECAUSE MRS. H TOLD HIM TO SAY "BIG BOYS DONT COMPLAIN."

I'd like to meet:

LIVING: Keith Olbermann; Barack Obama; Bill O'Reilly (because i want him to get two glasses of wine in me. even if he has to do it intravenously); Josh Homme, Ralph Fiennes, Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck (just so i could slap him in the face), Conan O'Brien, Jerry Seinfeld, Anthony Hopkins, Toby Maguire, Cyd Charisse, Jake Gylenhaal, Heath Ledger (those two preferably together so they could make out), The Dali Lama, Daniel Craig DEAD *cries*: Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Greta Garbo, Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Zeppo Marx, Chico Marx, Jimmy Stewart, Johny Carson, Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Buddha (though he wasnt a man), Jesus (to ask him what he really meant)

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Queens of the Stone Age; Interpol; The Shins; The Hives; The Strokes; White Stripes; The Beatles; Led Zeppelin; Pink Floyd; Marvin Gaye; The Temptations; Aretha Franklin; Louis Armstrong; Janis Joplin; W.A. Mozart; Beethoven; J.S. Bach; Liszt; Vivaldi; Jimi Hendrix (cant forget jimi); Credence Clearwater Revival; Gorillaz; Outkast; Coldplay; Oasis; Ray Charles; Nirvana; Ben Kweller; Gwen Stefani; Black Rebel Motorcycle Club; Louis XIV; Muse; The Verve; Janis Joplin; Garbage; Wilco; Le Tigre; Crosby Stills Nash and Young; Neil Young; Eagles of Death Metal; The Sounds; Ladytron; George Gershwin; Travis; Peaches; Electrelane; Misfits; Ane Brun; Asamov; Rapture; Soft Cell; The Smiths; Whitey; Cake; Smashing Pumpkins; Hole; Pixies;


i love movies, so this list is large, ever-growing, and is in no particular order (actually, theyre purposefully mixed-up):Gattica; Fight Club; The Philadelphia Story; Singin' in the Rain; The Borne Identity; La Femme Nekita; Lola Rennt; The Yellow Submarine; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; This is Spinal Tap; A Song Is Born; The English Patient; Election; Farenheit 9/11 (i wanna see FarenHYPE 9/11, too, but i'd be ashamed to rent it); The Incredibles; The Green Mile; Amadeus; Red Dragon; True Lies; North By Northwest; A Hard Day's Night; Schindler's List; Terminator 1-3; Oh Brother Where Art Thou; Spider; Help; The Producers (springtime for hitler and germany! deutchland is happy and gay); Walk--Don't Run; Raising Arizona; The Professional Leon; Blade Runner; Otto der Film; The End of the Affair; Batman Begins; Citizen Kane; The Constant Gardener; Alfie (the original Michael Caine version); Monkey Business (the Cary Grant one, i havent seen the Marx Brothers one yet); 12 Angry Men; Black Board Jungle; Camille; Captain Newman-M.D.; Cool Hand Luke; Duck Soup; Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Wererabit; Last Action Hero; Poltergeist; Predator; To Have and Have Not; The Truman Show; The Trouble with Harry; The Fifth Element; Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels; The Blob; The Transformers; Lost in Translation; Garden State; Ghost World; Modern Times; The Fugative; The Usual Suspects; Willow; Office Space; The Great Escape; Suicide Kings; Big; Pirates of the Caribean; Aladdin; Cinderella; To Kill a Mocking Bird; The Shawshank Redemption; Elizabeth Town; To Be Or Not To Be; Gone With the Wind; Holiday Inn; Syriana; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (even though its exactly the same as every Lord of the Rings movie); Team America: World Police; Rebel Without a Cause; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Batman The Movie (if this is on here twice, its because it deserves it); Silk Stockings; An American in Paris; King Kong (because it was the worst movie i have ever seen. and it wasted three and a half hours of my life.); Pillow Talk; The Comedians of Comedy; The Cooler; Three Guys Named Mike; White Men Can't Jump; The Road to Bali (thank you bing crosby and bob hope for being so fucking hilarious); Casablanca; Brokeback Mountain --BEST MOVIE EVER!; Dr. Stranglove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; The Band Wagon; The Emperor's New Groove; Pennies From Heaven; Breakfast at Tiffany's; It Happened One Night; The Road to Morrocco; The Grapes of Wrath; Caddyshack; Tristan and Isolde (so predictable); Donovan's Reef; Inspector General; The Merry Widow; The Third Man; The Good Girl (goddamn jake gyllenhaal is hot); Twilight of Troy; 1984; Beetlejuice; Road to Utopia; The Breakfast Club (actually a lot better than i thought it would be); The Wedding Singer; Night at the Roxbury; The Lady From Shanghai (i S


TCM; Seinfeld; VH1; King of the Hill; The History Channel; The Price Is Right (thank god for bob barker, the old bastard); The Simpsons (pre-8th season); The Jack Benny Program; Reno 911; Spin City; Best Week Ever; South Park; The Daily Show; The Colbert Report; Countdown with Keith Olbermann (go news. wooo); The Food Network (specifically Iron Chef); Wondershowzin; Clone High; Mystery Science Theater 3000; The Office; Extras (GREAT British comedy with Ricky Gervais); How It's Made; Mythbusters; Scrubs; Degrassi: The Next Generation (just because its so fucking bat-shit crazy); The Twilight Zone; and, of course, The O'Reilly Factor


i almost never read anything i dont enjoy, so here is the list of all the books i can remember reading within the last few years:One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest; On the Road; Slaughterhouse Five; Black Elk Speaks; Graphic Interpretation of the 9/11 Commision Report; Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly; Conservatize Me; The Things They Carried; Sirens of Titan; Animal Farm; Cry, the Beloved Country; Catch 22 (fucking AMAZING); "Existentialism" by Jean-Paul Sartre;


all the people who pay attention, assess the situation, and attempt to make a difference in a logical, helpful, and ultimately peaceful manner.oh, and my mom, for giving the biggest bitch ever the finger just because she loves me :)

My Blog

its been far too long

k its been like far too long since ive posted a blog, so im gonna do it today. mostly because i really do not want to work on my stupid essay. fuckin college...speaking of college...college is pretty ...
Posted by Läla on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:25:00 PST


im going to college in like...one day less than 7 weeks. thats 48 days. how fucking ridiculous is that? im gonna be 6 hours away from all you chummmmmmmmmPs. gonna miss you guys. a little...im a littl...
Posted by Läla on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:17:00 PST

you just have to be in calculus...

The morning sun on the horizon is both a symbol of renewal and a reminder of the past---it signals the dawn of a new day, a new vitality, and new experiences, yet it reminds us that our predecessors h...
Posted by Läla on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 03:36:00 PST

hey! guess what!!!

lol i thought itd be ironic for this entry to have the same title as my last entryanyhoozle. just a little update: disregard the "leila's happy" part in that last blog. oh and you might as well scrat...
Posted by Läla on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:39:00 PST

hey! guess what!!!

leila's happy. guess WHY. because she's goin' out with the guy she's wanted to date for 2 years. ye-ah bitches!!w00t w00t for leilaaaaaa!!and for curtis for finally saying "ok""The desire of the man i...
Posted by Läla on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 05:01:00 PST

poooooor guuuuy....

oh my poor, poor phone...i feel so bad for him. his battery is out and hes drying on my mantle... *sigh*... thats pretty much all i got...
Posted by Läla on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:29:00 PST

oh...by the way...

im not sure if i posted this already or not but uh...i got a 1900 on my SATs. which is about a 87%. which is good. so...disregard that other post titled "holy shit..." 'cause i didnt fail the SATs. th...
Posted by Läla on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:40:00 PST

are you now or have you ever been...

fucking myspace wont let me copy and paste stuff. so...read this in my livejournal that i havent used in forever:http://washinmachine.livejournal.com/42256.htmlits a rant comparing the communist "red ...
Posted by Läla on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:42:00 PST

holy shit...

im gonna fucking fail the SATs. im gonna fucking FAIL the FUCKING SATs!!!!! im gonna have to sit in a room with 20 billion other people and im gonna have to stare at multiple pieces of paper for three...
Posted by Läla on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:06:00 PST

my blog was getting a bit dated...

i hate blogs. im not going to update it. screw you, blog. well...i WAS gonna copy and paste an Allen Ginsberg poem in here, but APPARENTLY myspace doesnt like that. so never mind. oh that is IRRITATIN...
Posted by Läla on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:07:00 PST