Dame Hope profile picture

Dame Hope

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hey gang, most of you know me, but for those that don't... I'm a mother of 3, a wife, a full time student, a full time artist (check out my paintings and drawings in "The Grey Gallery" in my photo album!!!), and I'm working full time to see that my small missionary group becomes a well known and respected non-profit. Currently we are searching for a fiscal agent to umbrella over us and provide us with a 501(C)3, which means that when someone donates something to our organization they can get a tax deduction and it means that we are a "non-profit" in the eyes of the IRS. Currently, we are an organization, organizing as a non-profit...confused yet?! We are working on a stack of paperwork about two inches thick to become an independent non-profit, but as we develope through small groups starting chapters it's easier to just let the small group find a fiscal agent to help guide them and help them to grow. It's all slow going, but such is our lot in life. We strive to find people in need and through donations and volunteering fulfill their needs, be it basic like clothing or food to furniture and education. We also strive to help homeowners repair and restore their property so that they can be in a WARM, DRY, and SECURE home. We are a Christian based organization, but we do not discrimiated between religious and none religious groups as all groups, individuals and families are welcome. We seek to spread the love of God and teach others how to help themselves and to "Pay it forward" in their communities. I'm busy, busy, but always willing to help.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as I will soon be doing work in New Orleans and would love to sit down and pick their brains on ways we could help the city and others like it to rebuild. Non-profits are always hoping to find someone of social statis to help get their message across as our voice often gets lost in the crowd. I'd love to meet members of other organizations similar to what we are trying to do and through those meetings network with them to swap volunteers and fundraising ideas as well as have the support of other groups that have been successful, so that if there is something I do not understand I can get their advice!

My Blog

Getting somewhere

Well the house is getting worked on and things are starting to come together.  We're nailing down the technicals now with rent and such hoping to get this squared away and stop fretting over it.   Tho...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 20:43:00 GMT

Starting a new non-profit in New Orleans

Well gang, for all of those that haven't been keeping up and or those of you that have noticed I don't blog much anymore, I just wanted to let you all know why.  Well first off, I moved 999miles from ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:17:00 GMT


Wow, can't believe it's already the new year and wow, it's been forever since I added anything to this site...oh well, that's what happens when you start new things, the old tends to fall to the waysi...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 21:49:00 GMT

Catching you all up

Hey gang, sorry for letting you all fall out of the loop.  I had to start a new page that I'm on more regularly do to the ever changing needs of my new job descriptions.  We got the permits ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 10:22:00 GMT

July updates

Well gang things have been coming along this month.  We successfully moved from Lubbock, Texas to Slidell, Louisianna.  We moved in with the gang here at the church, Sovereign Grace Fellowsh...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 16:22:00 GMT

Just a heads up for all those trying to catch up

Well we're looking forward to moving to New Orleans in July.  We're busily working to help my stepmom get moved as well.  We're hoping to get some publicity on all the work we are going to b...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 22:26:00 GMT

Drawing and packing

Well we're out of the rental come the 31st and moving in with mystep mom until we move down to New Orleans July 1st.  For the next few very stressful days we are busily packing and I'm wasting so...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:54:00 GMT

Exciting news

Hey everyone, well we just got back from our second trip down to New Orleans, yep we've put a total of 4000 new miles on our suburban.  We went down this time to meet with Pastor Eddie Exposito a...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:56:00 GMT

Need help with pick ups and deliveries

If anyone has a pick up, SUV, or trailer we really could use your help.  We are being overwhelmed by generousity as people are willing to give, and we are in no shortage for people in need, howev...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:17:00 GMT

God is blessing us

Hey everyone, I just thought you’d all like to know what’s going on with My Home Property Restoration & Aid.  Well we met with the wonderful pastor from Experience Life a truly aw...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 22:33:00 GMT