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Hey gang, most of you know me, but for those that don't...
I'm a mother of 3, a wife, a full time student, a full time artist (check out my paintings and drawings in "The Grey Gallery" in my photo album!!!), and I'm working full time to see that my small missionary group becomes a well known and respected non-profit. Currently we are searching for a fiscal agent to umbrella over us and provide us with a 501(C)3, which means that when someone donates something to our organization they can get a tax deduction and it means that we are a "non-profit" in the eyes of the IRS. Currently, we are an organization, organizing as a non-profit...confused yet?! We are working on a stack of paperwork about two inches thick to become an independent non-profit, but as we develope through small groups starting chapters it's easier to just let the small group find a fiscal agent to help guide them and help them to grow. It's all slow going, but such is our lot in life. We strive to find people in need and through donations and volunteering fulfill their needs, be it basic like clothing or food to furniture and education. We also strive to help homeowners repair and restore their property so that they can be in a WARM, DRY, and SECURE home. We are a Christian based organization, but we do not discrimiated between religious and none religious groups as all groups, individuals and families are welcome. We seek to spread the love of God and teach others how to help themselves and to "Pay it forward" in their communities. I'm busy, busy, but always willing to help.