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About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------let me feel the warmth of your inner thighs desperation of a sane mind. count the numbers from 1 to 10 and see whats behind the velvet curtain____________________________(Patrick)---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- TITLE:SUICIDE MUSE bright eyes with a steady smile the horrible look of her malicious victory. The death of her innocence caused by THE undying pride. Once of humble origin shape shifting at its best then transformation up to the crest . A world that revolves only around herself self-centeredness of the highest degree. Seemingly impossible once proven false against my intentions. The blind eye of my tormented heart battered again and again. But the obvious filth and vile has cast a spell. A leash of invulnerability tied to my neck on the other end a grip so tight a single path for me which is infinite doom. The constant haunting of a demonic intention. The loss of life of my very own is the key to this confliction. Send me away as far as possible, never look back, the past that you’ve left is the blackest of hell. - by patrick ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE:STRANGER PATH The bond that was meant to be broken but never forgotten, a path that was taken that leads to nothing. A stranger that you once knew no longer runs in your memory. Pieces of my once great life was taken by your putrid heart. Part and partial that’s all I wanted. A life with you is just too great of a reward. But the chosen path was to never look back. with no intentions of return. Motivation of no sane mind can get me out of my drowning state. Selfish desires to move once more, the expendable again has been proven once more. Experimental love and hate both to be endowed to just plain sorrow. My now vulnerable heart battered too many times.----(Patrick) ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE: BACK RUBBING THEN BACK STABBING Sleepless nights of flat black depression, back rubbing then back stabbing caused by the unsuspected relation. countless nights of banging fists on the concrete wall. with the blood that drips is for every shot I make. For the distance of this new victim will feel the pain of my unreleased emotion. Closer and closer with a gun in my hand. The stranger ways of accusation is the reason of my overly burning veins. Back rubbing then back stabbing of the unsuspected relation. My obviously exploding grasp goes blank as the first shot goes out. Your blood and guts on the floor with a big smile on my face. The pure satisfaction of my now uplifting mood.------------Patrick ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE:INFLUETIAL PERSUASION My growing dislike that has turned to hate, the knife I wish to stab down the flesh of his miserable intentions. Influential persuasion to the only one so dear has turned her back. Situation so unbearable wishing to be gone the next day. options for solutions, a few floors up then the jump of no regret. our bond that was stronger than the other but sides was taken was to be unexpected. A spell of persuasion that goes through her head. Friends beware the evil doer and his skills of manipulation has been tested already. Eager fingers of my outstretched arms. To strangle or to stab the loss of life of his very own. Foul play at its intensive degree from white to black. influential persuasion to the only one so dear has turned her back. Pain that exceeds to its limits to cope or to resolve with the almighty life ender. ---patrick ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE: THE NEXT GUY IN LINE tumbling down the ranks of the expendable, the essence of living has faded.. jus another man for the job waiting in line to be replaced by someone else. remember the heroes once this war is over, dead or alive the deeds of sacrifice and love can never be forgotten, blood streams down the face of regret. never will it ever be able to satisfy the loss of time. overwhelmed by defeat rest assure their soul less bodies will find its place in this world of hate-----(Patrick) PS. DEPRESSION KILLS ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE:HOPES SHOT DOWN tender and pure that once was you, admirires of all sorts turned you against me, compliments of overwhelming specators took you from my sentimental grasp, waiting for my blood to spill watchful eyes w a steady stare. collapse and die thats all they care... gone w the wind all is forgotten. thank u for the wasted time and the undying hate. temporary illusion thats how relationships work. hopeless dreams which posseses me to the great torment of self destruction. life to be given not to be taken. the tragic defeat of my own omen-----Patrick ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------TITLE: UNNEEDED RELATIONS inside my room staring blankly at my wall. Flash backs of us just rips my heart open. It kills me slowly My mind is at its peak. It’s the beast of my suffering heart trying to get out Gnawing and scratching The satisfaction of ways to end this miserable life of mine Criticize, accusation. Misjudged and tormented Go ahead smile and laugh You can obviously see the sheep So black you cant see at night. Unlock the door and open your eyes. There’s the hanging man Swing swing swing Don’t cut me down Enjoy the sight and watch me Swing swing swing.. Different minds for different people Different thoughts for different people Is it me or is it them. self destruction cant justify my thoughts,---------------(Patrick) ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

My Interests

airsoft war games (retired), good movies, good music, good people and a good life

I'd like to meet:

people w essence


music w passion and feeling, steady music that wont give me stress


Saving Private Ryan, GROOVE, gattaca, the pianist, american history x, cruel intentions, equilebrium, american beauty, road to perdition 28 days later, troy fight club zombie films the beach (preferebly the book) forest gump shakespear in love ridley scott films devils advocate blah blah blah HOOH HAAH!....--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------


the beach, citizen soldier, aliens genocide, harry potter, veronika wants to die WW II readers digest the unbearable lightness of being
