books, movies, and music (and music and music and uh, music?!) are my life force...being able to escape the mundane reality through them keep my going...I am an activist.
I like words.
I like taking them apart and putting them together
I Like reading.
I like writing.
I like short stories, plays, poems.Christopher Marlowe taught Billy Shakes everything he knew ; )I Love my animals. all of them.
I am a fan of art.
Hence, why I am an artist. I paint for myself, and for no one else, so don't feel badly if I do not take you opinions to heart. Expression is a beautiful thing.
I am a feminist in the most loose sense of the word.
I was broken and beating, and built up again.
I WILL KILL for my friends. have no doubts about that.
I enjoy intelligent conversation, so please heed my warning, I wont write back if you TaLk LyKe DiS.
I type very badly.
Sorry.I like snow.
i like oil paints, charcoal, pencils, pens, acrylics and glass work.I am strange, I dance to my own drum. You cant get inside my head, but you can try._Brianna_
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