Basira profile picture


About Me

NEWS: I am currently working on an upcoming tour project with Euphonic Dissonance.... more on this later.
Musical family's I have belonged to
I play percussion, (Remo Djembe' hand drum with 14 inch fiber-head), vocal and other varied and creative musical instruments, (some hand made by us..).
Musical families that I am connected with and promote for a healthy lifestyle!
Check out the upright bass! (...and art!)
Missy Elliott - Work It

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About Me:
I value transparency with those you trust, personal evolution through sustainable means, privacy from public scrutiny, artistic expression in most forms. I crave self expression, philosophical brain play, the natural high on curiosities filled and anticipated. I respect people who express themselves fully and clearly while understanding and sustaining rapport, (a talent I will some day accuire). Who are you? Why are you here?
"Know pain, it is transition."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People I know and love from the real world... or who can actually give me something interesting, life changing, or exceptional to think about. I am also using this as my music/events page now, so if you don’t know me I invite you to get to know me via our music links and other events I host due to various interests, (don’t ask me about multiple personality disorder, unless you want to speak to Gypsy or Tabitha).

Create your own Friend Quiz here

Btw, If you dive in and find any of this interesting or enjoy the music, feel free to add me and keep up with events.

I participate, (or have participated) in the following musical families with one or all of these various propensities:
Percussion, vocals, set up and assist running sound, flatten tape, roll cords, and what ever else needs done.

Jonas and the Infidels puts the sweat in sweet and rocks the beat with soul, and haunting melodies! If you want to go deep, slip the stream with Jonas and take your mind to new heights.

And my cohort, best friend and partner in crime, as life can sometimes be criminal, Bruce Rich . What can I say, He’s a magician with the Djembe’ and I have proudly played along side him in these many musical adventures. NOVACHILD is his brilliance in vibration! If you haven’t heard this auditory art form, GO NOW, it will blow your mind!

PG5YP, a band that has an experiential/world feel, ranging from sweet and rebellious acapella to punk. At any pace Peoples Glorious 5 Year Plan hit’s a groove that’s always good and good for you!

*UPDATE* It’s been a good year! We learned allot about ourselves and created some extremely powerful music and great friendships… We may get together for a couple of side projects with the other members of Peoples Glorious 5 Year Plan in the future, but for now we are taking leave to focus on Jonas and the Infidels and Novachild, both of which individually are blossoming into something contagious!!! It’s all beautiful!

Thanks for your support and interest in our musical endeavors. See you at the show!


Possible future projects...
Synergistically Spoken, (:Tiph:)
Euphonic Dissonance
Josh James

You will go to my blog… you will go… you will… go.. go… go now.. now… goWhy are you still here? ((blog is calling))


My Blog

Power of Words Workshop

Send some good vibes this way. Brian and I keep getting the creeping crud that's been going round. :-/On a more productive note:My Dad and I are doing a workshop on the 2nd of March. We use NLP str...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 22:12:00 GMT

Junk Food Vegetarian (or- eavesdrop on a random conversation)

I'm posting this for nothing other than entertainment and random weirdness... I may add to the post if the conversation continues. This is what too much caffeine and 2 hours of sleep do to me. Enjoy...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 21:31:00 GMT

Work from home... jobs? or Truth in advertising.

Have you ever looked up "work at home" positions while job hunting? If you have then you know about the frustrating ads that read as if they are actual 'pay by the hour' positions but lead you on thi...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 19:55:00 GMT

Barely Legal: American Absinthe

Barely Legal: American AbsintheI caught a slice of this story on NPR today and rushed in to look it up. This is one article I found:"The absinthe revival, which has been on the move for more than a d...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 16:12:00 GMT

Myspace News, STDs

I went to check out the new Myspace News forum and this was the first story that popped up:Health officials in mainland China express alarm over reports that a company in Southern China was recycling ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 22:07:00 GMT

Quantum Mechanics-Double Slit Test-Calling all Physicists 3/20/en/ ce.htm y-web.htmhttp://www....
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:01:00 GMT

Timbre Wolf for President!

Go check him out, and if you like him... promote the h*ll out of him!!He is one of the main co-creators of our previous band, 'Peoples Glorious 5 Year Plan'. We played at many venues including The H...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 23:44:00 GMT

In Common

In CommonThe wind pulls us up and through the pieces of our lives&. unless we struggle, getting caught in the mud, writhing and like quick sand it pulls us under. We surface and breathe again& taking...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 13:27:00 GMT

Watch Heroes
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 13:21:00 GMT

Other stuff

"More writings here:" Basira's blog~
Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 19:21:00 GMT