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the hoff

About Me

I live and work in San Francisco as a full time artist. My experience ranges from video game design to ceramic art and I have my own apparel company, Check my portfolio at I paint left and right handed cuz I broke my wrist to many times. I'm not a graffiti artist but I breath a lot of spray paint. I have been doing a lot of live performance painting here in the city. I try to paint and draw every day and look at a lot of inspirational free-form work. I hate primadonna artists who think they rule just cuz they got some skills and painted a few walls. Art is open to everyone, my 3 yr old daughter can paint just as well as me.

My Blog

Hat Painting

Nick Myerhoff painting 250 hats in Oakland Yesterday I painted 250 hats for a corporate event coming up at Mezzanine in SF. It was crazy! Today I am worked. My body is destroyed but fortunately I did ...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 16:11:00 GMT