There are a alot of people that I would love to meet but Id have to say that Jesus, My True Self, and Mr. Right are at the top of my list.Mr. Right, this was specifically written just for you:When I stare at your mouth, Kiss me. When I push you or hit you like a dumb-ass cuz I think I'm stronger than you, Grab me and don't let go. When I start cursing at you trying to act all tough, Kiss me and tell me you love me. When I'm quiet, Ask me whats wrong. When I ignore you, Give me your attention. When I pull away, Pull me back. When you see my at my worst, Tell me I'm beautiful. When you see me start crying, Just hold me and don't say a word. When you see me walking, Sneak up and hug my waist from behind. When I'm scared, Protect me. When I steal your favorite hoodie, Let me keep it and sleep with it for a night. When I tease you, Tease Me back and make me laugh. When I don't answer for a long time, reassure Me that everything is okay. When I look at you with doubt, Back yourself up. When I say that I love you, I really do, more than you can understand. When I grab at your hands, Hold Mine and play with My fingers. When I bump into you, bump back and make me laugh. When I tell you a secret, keep it safe and untold. When I look you in your eyes, don't look away until I do. When I say it's over, I still want you to be Mine. When I write this, I want you to read it. Stay on the phone with me even if I'm not saying anything. When I'm mad, hug me tight and don't let go. When I say I'm ok, don't believe it, talk with me. Call me at 12:00am on my birthday and tell me you love me. Treat me like I'm all that matters to you. Stay up all night with me when I'm sick. Watch my favorite movie with me or my favorite show even if you think it's stupid. Give me the world. Let me wear your clothes. When I'm bored and sad, hang out with me. Let me know I'm important. Kiss me passionately in the pouring rain. When I run up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose ass am I kicking?. Most of all, Love me unconditionally, and truly mean it, And Ill make a vow to give you my heart, the way you have given me yours.