classical guitar. music in ladies. martial arts. my close friends. my teachers. sports. amazing people from all different walks of life. exploring the world.
The Shawshank Redemption, The El Mariachi trilogy, anything Bruce Lee , Mindhunters, Equilibrium, Napolean Dynamite, The Butterfly Effect, Rent, The Departed, Stranger Than Fiction, Pink Floyd's The Wall, The Prestige, Tommy, Pirates of the Carribean, 40 Year Old Virgin, The Bad Seed...a couple i hope are good. (the ATHF movie, Perfume, Rescue Dawn, The MGS Movie)
UFC, Cartoons....ATHF, Foster's, Robot Chicken, Batman, Tom and Jerry, Family Guy. music stuff.
"Well, I've learned that you cant please everyone,....and when you try to you lose yourself, so I'm going to be my own person, and if I loose friends out of it its ok, because now I'm getting really good friends for being me....but yea if you just stay true, i believe everything will fall into place, i'm not saying it will be pretty, but at the end of the day you can look in the mirror and smile.""Perfect moments are remembered, not planned."