Myna profile picture


desire replaces...

About Me

Regarding the end of Myna:

I don't really think that the end can be assessed as of itself as being the end because what does the end feel like? It's like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe, you say, if the universe is indeed infinite, then how - what does that mean? How far is all the way, and then if it stops, what's stopping it, and what's behind what's stopping it? So, what's the end, you know, is my question to you.

For the full story on Myna, check out We don't perform together anymore, but we definitely still drink together(often.) Blake is in The Bricks ATX, and Nathan and Jeremy, along with Justin Wade Thompson(ex-Pink Swords), perform under the name Nathan Singleton and His Sideshow Tragedy. Check out their pages below and hear the future of music. If you want a Myna record, there are a few copies left at We'll probably play a show again someday, just have to wait and see...

My Interests


Member Since: 06/09/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Nathan Singleton - Guitar/Vocals
Blake Ball - Bass
Jeremy Harrell - Drums
Influences: ingmar bergman, leslie marmon silko, dead man, robert smith, AC/DC, Juana's Addiccion, henry chinaski, MC5, Cream, COC, Down, Bob Dylan, John Frusciante, Tom Robbins, Chris Whitley, Frank Miller, Jeff Buckley, Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Astral Weeks, Max Ernst, The Gnostic Gospels
Sounds Like: if you found this page, it should be playing thru your speakers at this very moment...what do you think it sounds like?

Record Label: Nondescript Records

My Blog

Buy Myna's CD online

you can now purchase Myna's new cd Echoes of the Dead for cheap as fuck at this If you don't have the cd, GO BUY IT NOW! if you do have it, go to the site anyway and post a revie...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Mar 2005 17:50:00 GMT


if you live in the austin area, be sure to tune in to 91.7 FM tomorrow, wednesday jan 26, at 3 PM, nathan and blake will be on the radio doing an interview and talking about the new record. Of course...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jan 2005 10:32:00 GMT

new cd news

this shit is wrapping up, we're working like mad to finish it, its mastered, artworks done, all that awaits is getting it pressed... we'll have it for you folks at the show on jan. 29. til then, happ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Dec 2004 12:38:00 GMT

Myna headlining this Thursday w/Fair to Midland!!!

Myna will be headlining this Thursday, October 7th at the Red Eyed Fly This show promises to be supreme in ass-kicking ability due to the fact that not only is Myna headlining, but we're also bringing...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Oct 2004 15:08:00 GMT