~!@.$%^&*KuRtIs*&^%$.@!~ profile picture


u better b kiddin me!~~

About Me

wt me!?um~im a 19 yrs old ~~im a 2nd yr uni student at the university of adelaide(which makes me super dooper kool~~lol)~~i luv music~i play bass, piano and drums~~~%D?eel free2 add me or msg me if u wanna talk

My Interests

piano~drums~bass~taekwondo~baskeetball~parties~U ^3^~haha


(Green Day)~(Jet)~(The Cat Empire)~(Evanescence)~(Bond)~(Maksim)~~


~(HoUsE) ~(ThE OC) ~(The Simsons) ~(Rove Live) ~(Number) ~...............