-- San Diego -- College -- Employed -- taken -- in love with my girlfriend
-- "Either you're the bitch, or the Hussla" you pick which best determines you
Hi =] This is Ardy's girlfriend Denise. I decided to change up his myspace a little bit, cause he never updates it.. so sorry if it looks kinda girly =] Anyways.. what do I have to say about this guy? His name is Ardy, the LOOOSER, and although it may not look like it, he's 18 years old. He's a student at SDSU, and I have to say, I'm VERY proud of his accomplishments. He's super talented, though he still denies it.. and he's one of the most well-rounded, down to earth people you'll ever meet. He sings, plays the guitar, and drums... at the same time! HAHAHA, just keeeding about the "at the same time" part. He enjoys bowling, playing Monopoly, ping-pong, Wii, eating, working out , and getting massages. He's a really good listener, and is always there to help. He can be really random at times, and I hate to admit, but he is a "one man party". He's always hungry, and even though he's not picky when it comes to food, we always end up fussing about what and where to eat. He's pretty much amazing if you ask me. He's everything I could ever want in a boyfriend + more. We've been together for a year and 2 months.. since January 8, 2006, 8:26 pm.. and he never ceases to amaze me.. from his goodnight/goodmorning calls.. to the really sweet voicemail messages.. to the little random sweet suprises.. and the romantic dates he plans out. OH, and we cancel each other out =] We can read each others minds and finish each other's sentences, which is really kinda creepy sometimes. Oh yeah, and this fool likes to match me. I remember last year, I'd wait for him before school at the quad, and my friends and I would have a little contest. Whoever spotted him first wins.. and I'd always end up losing =[ But anyways, he would come around the corner, and BAM, we're matching. And it happened ALL THE TIME.. so often that people thought we planned it.. but we never planned to match each other. GROSS. =] But what can I say? Great minds think alike. He knows just how to make me smile and keep me happy. AND, he's a very good daddy. We have 5 kids now. It started off with Ethan.. then Crunchy and Tux. Then came Stroodle, and last but not least, Berry. Geeez, our family just keeps growing because SOMEONE likes buying me stuffed animals =] Which I dont mind at all. Anyways.... we've been through so much already, and we're still going stronger than ever. NOTHING and NOONE is gonna get in our way. I love him with all of my heart
--the girlfriend =]